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Thousands of Basques support Palestine and denounce Israel's accomplices

  • In the demonstrations in Bilbao and Pamplona/Iruña, thousands of people have concentrated to protest. The Solidarity with Palestine platform has underlined that there is only one option to "curb barbarism": The State of Israel has disappeared. The platform has made urgent demands such as the recognition of the right to resistance to Palestine and the pressure on governments, companies and accomplices parties to break with Zionism. Demonstrations and protests have taken place around the world, one year after the beginning of the Israeli massacre against Gaza.


07 October 2024 - 06:23

On 7 October it is a year since Israel began the genocide in the Gaza Strip. The massacre is continuing and Basque citizens have taken to the streets to support Palestine and to denounce the attitude of Israel and its accomplices.

In Bilbao, the demonstration took place at 12:00 a.m. on 5 October this year. The head of the demonstration, convened by the Solidarity with Palestine platform, carried the following message in the banner: Protect the Palestinian resistance. Face Israel and its accomplices. On the road to the City Hall, protesters have chanted slogans like: Israel boicott, liberated Palestine, Palestinian Gora resistance and Israel advisor, Europe helper. During the demonstration the following messages were also read: Basque bourgeois institutions, accomplices of the massacre, BBVA murderers! Face Israel and its accomplices!

The final manifesto has been read in Arabic, Basque and Spanish by the organizers of the event. The Solidarity with Palestine platform has stressed that there is only one way out of the massacre: The disappearance of the State of Israel. In addition to “not recognizing the legitimacy of Israel”, the platform has mentioned three areas of urgency: on the one hand, “defending the right to resistance of the Palestinians and the peoples hit by Zionism”; on the other hand, “pushing all governments, companies and complicit parties to break with Zionism”; and, finally, “strengthening the internationalist organization in favour of our Palestinian brothers and rebels and genocists”.

Support from Europe and the United States

The platform has recalled that genocide has lasted for more than 76 years around the world. He added that the support of the Western imperialist bloc is an "indispensable condition" for Israel to continue to do so. It denies that Israel acts on its own: “It is the governments, companies and parties of the United States and Europe that provide Israel with weapons or media protection.” The communiqué stresses that Israel wants to go beyond Palestine and that "its hunger for territory" has no "limits". They have denounced the attacks in Syria, Iran, Yemen and especially in Lebanon and added that Zionism has “hands-free” to spread through the territory “as a military base for the NATO geopolitical bloc”.

Casa Ecuador
Casa Ecuador
Casa Ecuador

They are asking to break up relations with Israel in Pamplona

The demonstration was organized by the Yala Nafarroa association with Palestine, under the motto Genocide bat, 76 years of resistance. According to the organizers, about 12,000 people have gathered in the bullring in Bilbao. The association has pointed out that “this is not a war of Israel against Palestine, but a war of Israel and the United States against the world we want to live.” It has called on the Government of Navarra, the Government of Spain and the European Union to establish without delay an arms embargo on Israel; an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen; to comply with the demands of the International Court of Justice on the end of the occupation; to break up relations with Israel; and to veto all its sporting and cultural manifestations because Israel does not defend itself."



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