Joño, kieto, gutasun, nabarrismo, pupa, zurgai, euskara gaiztto, egon, pott eman, pott egin, ostia txarra, negar-marraska, kokorraino, liburu electronikoa, indukuzko.. are some of the entries and subentries that have been added to the last update. In total, it has grouped 646 new forms (295 entries and 351 sub-entries) and 1,130 modified forms (938 entries and 192 sub-entries).
All changes can be seen in this link.
Miriam Urkia, a member of the Academy of the Basque Language, wanted to emphasize that as important or more than the introduction of new forms is the beautification and updating of the existing, rearranging some senses according to the current use, dedicating a special paragraph to the old sayings, etc. : “This update has given visibility to the existing information: we reorganize the entries, visualize the information that could be hidden... We have also reviewed the examples, especially those relating to equality: treatment of women, current reality ...”.
Among the new forms are joño, kieto, gutasun, nabarrismo, pupa, zurgai, pott eman, ostia txarra, negar-marraska, kokorraino, ebook...
Improved for consultation
On the other hand, along with the update, Euskaltzaindia recalled that the use of the Euskaltzaindia Dictionary improved in February: “On the one hand, a new, more functional search engine was developed, offering new search possibilities, and on the other hand, the search engine now offers more possibilities to find words and, therefore, more specific.”
Euskaltzaindia's motto is "ekin eta jarrai" ("ekin eta jarrai"), the outlawing of Euskaltzaindia. I don't know why the Academy wasn't outlawed, all three words appeared on its logo. The allegations have been made with less - and (those of one age remember the cassette of The Mondragon... [+]
Euskararen biziberritzea Ipar Euskal Herrian jardunaldia antolatzen du ostiral honetan Baionan Euskaltzaindiak. Euskararen alde egiten dena eta ez dena eztabaidatzeko mementoa izango da. Eragileak eta politikariak bilduko dira egun osoan.