At the initiative of the 6th grade students of the San Martin de Aramaio school, Mikel Mikel of Bilbao has shown his solidarity and several students have come today dressed in their skirts. Thus, they wanted to claim that clothing is not gender-neutral and that clothing no longer exists.
According to a 15-year-old complaint by Mikel in the Tic Tok social network, during these days the students have appeared dressed in a skirt in one place and another. First, the students of the Zuazola-Larraña Institute of Oñati expressed their solidarity, and today the students of Aramaio have met.
Movement, from Canada
Contrary to the sexist clothing, the boys began to dress in skirt in several schools in Canada in October, and Mikel de Bilbao launched into that movement to fulfill his wish. The disdain of the students and the lack of support from the school management had led him to ask the school psychologist if he considers himself a boy or a girl.
Ander Magallon, Mikel Irure eta Xabier Jauregi Metropoli Forala saioan egon dira maskulinitate berrien inguruan mintzatzen.
Ander Magallon, Mikel Irure eta Xabier Jauregi Metropoli Forala saioan egon dira maskulinitate berrien inguruan mintzatzen.
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