Mikel Taberna published his poem Arkanbele kantak in March. On the cover of the book is the arkanbel of the artist Ignacio Larra. These days you can visit the cultural house of Bera the exhibition "Homage to Parents" of Larrea, until the end of the month. Taberna will talk about his poem and about the painter's exhibition.
Beware of that view of the South. Firstly, to demystify the blind admiration of the green land, the white houses and the red tiles, unconditional love, fetishism associated with speech and the supposed lifestyle. It leaves, as Ruper Ordorika has often heard, a tourist idea... [+]
Let's talk clearly, bluntly, without having to move later to say what I had to say: this game, which consists of putting together the letters in Basque, happened to Axular. Almost as soon as the game is invented, in such a way that in most of Gero's pages the author gives the... [+]
Saran egingo da urriaren 11 eta 12an, eta aurtengoa laugarren edizioa izango da.
Please note: The story that is being told here is a story based on reality. Some fragments are fictitious by a creative process. However, in defense of the historical memory, the names and surnames and other data that appear are true.
The skin is bathed in sweat by the woman... [+]
Xabier Zabaltza Perez-Nievas historialaria, idazlea eta EHUko irakasleak 'Euskal Herria heterodoxiatik' izeneko liburua plazaratu berri du. Bertan dio Euskal Herria ezinbestean euskara eta euskal kulturaren bidez eraiki behar dela eta horretarako funtsezkoa dela euskara... [+]
I always wear a camera on top, without a case in the bag to pull it out under any pretext. I have spent the last year photographing everything, to the extent that my academic and political leitmotiv has no free time, as if in the wild frenzy something had been immortalized. It... [+]