Sánchez, who between 2019 and 2024 was director of Health Planning, Management and Evaluation, started in November as medical director of the company Mutualia. In the summer of 2024 he took the leap to private enterprise, three months after leaving office, with the approval of the Basque Government.
Following his career in public office, the Basque Government has allowed Mikel Sánchez to work in Mutualia. Despite the fact that since 2014 a law has already been in force that denies former presidents employment in private companies until two years after their cessation, Sánchez has jumped to Mutualia through a special authorization, according to Diario Vasco.
The Basque Government has given permission to Sánchez for not having any ties with the company Mutualia during the period in which he held public office. Likewise, Gotzone Sagardui, the former Health Minister of the Basque Government, has been incorporated into private health policy.
Mutualia serves more than 430,000 workers throughout the Spanish framework and, above all, manages accidents at work and illnesses. Osakidetza often performs traumatology operations in this private company.
In 2022, Osakidetza and Mutualia signed a collaboration agreement through which both entities share the medical histories of users. With Sagardui as a counselor and Sánchez as director, the signing of this agreement provoked significant political and trade union opposition, denouncing the possible violation of the confidentiality of medical data. In addition, last year Osakidetza paid Mutualia EUR 300,000 in compensation for traumatology, which represents an additional disbursement.
Bilboko Portuko Agintaritzak Rikardo Barkala (Portugalete, 1955) izendatu du erakunde horretako presidente izateko. Kargua hartzerakoan nabarmendu dute pertsona “egokia” dela Bilboko portuan agintzeko, merkataritza itsasontzi kapitain ibili izan zelako.