During the month of July, the Chair Mikel Laboa and the Bertsozale Association of the UPV/EHU convened the calls for the GRAL Prize and the Research Project Prize, whose resolution, after receiving the research papers and projects presented by the jury, has just arrived.
The Bertsolari work by Maddi Soroa Navarro has been awarded the GRAL Prize for his research Competencies for the creation and interpretation of the verse in the formation of bertsolari. More works have also been presented for the GRAL Bertsolarism Award, which can be consulted with the consent of the authors in the Xenpelar Documentation Center.
Bertso-eskola in Zaballa prison: the project entitled Interaction between prisoners, prison and verses movement has been awarded the Research Project Award. This project was presented as a group project, composed of Iñaki Viñaspre Simon, Izar Mendiguren Cosgaya, Oihane Perea Pérez de Mendiola and Ruben Sánchez Bakaikoa. The research work shall be carried out within one year.
Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to all those who have participated!
Nafarroako Bertsolari Txapelketa udazkenean jokatzeak Bertsoaroa zikloa egutegian mugitzea ekarri du. Hiriari egiten zaion bertsolaritza eskaintza orekatu nahi izan dute horrela antolatzaileek, Nafarroako Bertsozale Elkarteak eta Iruñeko Udalak. Otsailaren 10etik 24ra... [+]