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Paris ratifies 5-year prison sentence against Mikel Barrios

  • The Court of Appeal has joined the decision taken in June by the Paris Court of Corrections and will have to return the Non-Citizens to prison, although the Prosecutor has not set a specific date for the time being.

07 January 2021 - 16:49
2018an aske geratu zenean ongi etorria (arg.: Ernai)

Mikel Barrios (Pamplona, 1988) has been sentenced to 5 years ' imprisonment by the Paris Court of Appeal, although he has not yet made known the reasons for his decision. Paris has therefore ratified the same condemnation as the June Criminal Court at its meeting today. This conviction was appealed by the Barrios defense attorney, who was examined in November, but the prosecutor was very tough against the reduction of the penalty. Thus, the judge announced on Thursday the last of the deliberations on this matter.

Barrios was arrested in Berlin in 2017, after French justice issued a Euroorder against him, accused of "belonging to a criminal organisation". Agents of the peace of Ipar Euskal Herria have accused the French State of closing its eyes to the disarmament of ETA and the work done in resolving the conflict. Barrios Itsasun has lived and worked there for years.

After a year in prison, he was released on parole in 2018, with a telematics bracelet and was transferred to Donostia Hospital. Last June he was re-imprisoned by a judgment of the Criminal Court, although in October he was released under judicial control. "From a human and social and political point of view, the harsh condemnation of Mikel Barrios is incomprehensible," said attorney Xantiana Cachenault, in statements collected by URL0.

In fact, in addition to five years in prison, Fixaut will be included in the file, although under no circumstances will he be required to be prohibited from residing in the French State for ten years. On Thursday at 18:30 a.m. a rally will be held in Itsasu, to lament the decision of the Court of Appeal and to support Barrios.


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