Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The Women's World March of the Basque Country will denounce the immigration policies and actions of the transnational corporations

  • This year, the Fifth World March of Women of Euskal Herria will denounce immigration policies and the actions of transnational women. In relation to action.

18 February 2021 - 09:05

Ainhoa has appeared before the media in Bilbao to learn the detail of the appearance, on the other side of the telephone. The Fifth United Nations International Film Conference will begin next February and end on 6 March. Journey of action on the border between Irun and Hendaia. Theoretical resources for reflection have been offered in the network. This year will be the fifth, and they will denounce migration policies and borders, over and above all the bridges, there are no borders! No transnational companies! Under the motto '.

> Download the interview here.

You are interested in the channel: Emakumeen Mundu Martxa
More than a thousand people condemn the machista murder of Vitoria
The Feminist Movement denounces the situation of the victim’s lack of protection. The World Women’s March calls for demonstrations on Tuesday afternoon in Pamplona, San Sebastian and Bilbao.

2021-11-10 | ARGIA
Feminist Asylum, a campaign to recognize the causes of asylum of women, girls and people from the LGBTIQA+ community
Movements, collectives, associations, parties and trade unions at European level have launched the Feminist Asylum campaign, which starts this Monday. The Women's World March of the Basque Country has joined the campaign and called on the citizens to support it.

2021-10-13 | ARGIA
Mobilizations to denounce the Machista murder in Vitoria-Gasteiz
A 42-year-old man has killed a 37-year-old woman in Vitoria-Gasteiz this afternoon, who has committed suicide and been seriously injured. In the capitals of Hego Euskal Herria, mobilizations have been called to protest the male murder of two women. With this, there are five... [+]

World Women's March, V International Action
They call to break borders across Hendaia and Irún
Above all bridges, there are no limits! No transnational! About 400 people have completed the Fifth Basque Action of the World Women’s March on 6 March, which began in October last year. Through a colorful demonstration, uniting Hendaia and Irún and overcoming the... [+]

2021-03-08 | Dani Blanco
End of the World Women's March in images
ARGIA photographer Dani Blanco has received in images the V World Women's March.

V International Act World Women ' s March
They call to break borders by crossing the section between Hendaia and Irun
Above all bridges, there are no borders! No transnational companies! Under the motto 400 people ended the Fifth World Women’s March on 6 March, which began last October. Through a colorful demonstration, uniting Hendaia and Irun and overcoming the administrative border... [+]

2021-03-02 | ARGIA
Registration for the World Women ' s March to end
The Fifth World March of Women of Euskal Herria will be held on March 6. Closing event of the International Action between Irun and Hendaya. As they explained, "after several changes in the approach, they have decided to convene a mobilisation against borders and transnational... [+]

2021-02-22 | ARGIA
The Fifth World Women ' s March International Action
The march, which began on Saturday, will run through various towns of Euskal Herria until the next day 27. 5. The International Action will be closed on 6 March at the border between Irun and Hendaia.

2021-01-25 | ARGIA
They condemn the machist murder of Aintzane Pujana in the capitals of Hego Euskal Herria
The four capitals of Hego Euskal Herria have hosted concentrations convened by the Women's World March of Euskal Herria on January 22. Aintzane Pujana's was considered the first Machista murder of the year just begun.

A decolonial look will tour Euskal Herria in the hand of the World Women's March
The Fifth International Congress of the World March of Women The action began this Saturday at the border between Irun and Hendaia, which will be travelling until 6 March. Citizens are encouraged to observe transnational corporations, borders and migration policies from a... [+]

Nalu Faria
"Although we are in resistance, from here we can create other ways of organizing life"
Nalu Faria is a Brazilian feminist working in psychology. Member of the international committee of the World Women ' s March and member of the movement coordination team in your country. As part of the international meeting held in Bilbao in October, shortly after... [+]

Imajinatu herri feminista bat

Imajinatu sistema kapitalista heteropatriarkalean bizitzeak eragiten duen zamarekin, eta arnasa hartzeko premia larriz, oheratzen zarela ostiralean. Larunbata izan arren inguratzen zaituen egitura zapaltzailea bihar ere hortxe egongo dela jakin badakizu, baina asteburuaren... [+]

2018-10-23 | Iñigo Igartua
Feministon Herria eguna larunbatean ospatuko da Bilbon

Aste osoan Bilbo jasotzen ari den Emakumeen Mundu Martxaren XI. Nazioarteko Topaketaren ekitaldi nagusia izanik, guztion indarrak batu eta askotariko alternatiba feminista erakustea izango du helburu ekimenak.

Egitarau oparoaz dator Feministon Herria

Euskal Herriko Emakumeon Mundu Martxak prentsaurrekoa eman du asteartean Bilboko La Bolsan. Emakumeon Mundu Martxaren XI. Nazioarteko Topaketaren eta beronen baitan egingo den Feministon Herria egunaren xehetasun guztiak azaldu dituzte.

Eguneraketa berriak daude