Thousands of people are trying to reach the United States from Central America. The Migrant Caravan has generated the least noise than that of October 2018 and fewer people have joined it. However, the Mexican Government has decided to expel them and not allow them to enter.
The Mexican National Guard has attacked nearly 2,000 members of the caravan and forced them to remove tear gas while the caravan was trying to reach Ciudad de Hidalgo (Mexico). Several people have been arrested, but most have turned back and are in the Guatemalan city of Tecun Uman.
National Guard requires caravan with anti-riot and gas; there would be 800 migrants
— EAM (@EAMNewlink) January 24, 2020
According to the BBC, Mexico is committed to taking "unprecedented" measures to curb irregular migration. It includes the intervention of the National Guard, which is a military group composed of members of the Federal Police, Naval and Military Police. The support of Mexican President Andres Manuel López Obrador in July 2018 has been questioned by some of his decisions, especially by the agreements signed with U.S. President Donald Trump.
The desperation of this #Migrant Caravan is the great fracture of neoliberalism in our America chasing the American received, humiliations and junk organisms remain silent in the face of such hate crimes. @Almagro_OAS 2015@mbachelet
— Luciana🔴⚫ (@₡79) January 20, 2020
Malen Garmendiak bi urte daramatza Greziako Lesboseko migranteen errefuxiatu gunean lanean , ZAPOREAK gobernuz kanpoko elkartearekin.
Milaka ertamerikarren sufrimendua islatzen duten argazki ikusgarriak egin ditu Simone Dalmassok, eta Plaza Publica-k zabaldu ditu.
Muga zeharkatzea ezinezkoa da estatubatuar militarren begiradapean. “AEB ez da babeslekua” dio Trumpek. Ehun lagun inguru beraien herrialdera itzuli da dagoeneko.
Astebete baino gehiago daramate Tijuanan, muga zeharkatu nahian. Trumpek 6.000 militar baino gehiago ditu bertan. Igandean muga igarotzen ahalegindu ziren, eta gogor erantzun zuten AEBek.
Xenofobia nagusi da Tijuanan, Mexiko eta AEBen arteko mugan. 5.000 migratzaile inguru daude hirian, ez aurrera eta ez atzera, eta haien kontra manifestatu dira Tijuanako herritarrak.
Lehen 800 migratzaileak iritsi dira Tijuanako hondartzetara, eta hesiaren aurrean dira jada. Datozen ordu eta egunetan iritsiko dira gainontzekoak. Trumpek segurtasun indarrak areagotu ditu, eta muga abendura arte itxi du.