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Navarre expresses its vocation to be a "place of reception" for migrants

  • The Government of Navarre has adopted an institutional declaration condemning "public or private manifestations of prejudice and xenophobia" and asking for forgiveness.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

17 December 2020 - 08:35

At its session on Wednesday, the Foral Government adopted an institutional declaration expressing its "intention to make Navarre a host territory for those seeking a better future far from their place of birth". The declaration also condemns "public or private manifestations of prejudice and xenophobia, including obstacles to entry into the labour market and the achievement of decent housing".

The declaration has been adopted on the occasion of the International Day of Migrants, which is held every 18 December. To commemorate this date, the Government of Navarra, through the Directorate-General for Migration Policies, has prepared a series of actions for all the public. The conference will be held in streaming, the institutional event that will be presided over by the President of Navarra, María Txibite, and two theatrical performances: one in Pamplona and the other in Tudela.

Promotes and respects human rights

The institutional declaration adopted by the Government highlights the following: "Navarre, in line with the best European tradition, promotes and respects the human rights of all people regardless of their nationality of origin, sex, ethnicity, mother tongue or administrative situation". It is therefore committed to "ensuring access to essential services" and to "not being more vulnerable to discrimination, exploitation and exclusion of migrants because of their status as migrants".

The Government has also highlighted "the role of civil society and social organisations that have created an important network of solidarity and support for migrants in recent years". He has also advocated maintaining "close work with migrants", as is done in the Migrants Forum, so that "public resources respond reliably to their needs and adapt to unstoppable social changes".

The declaration also recalls the brand "Navarre in colors" presented this year and wants to turn Navarre into "a place of welcome", "a land that will become home for those who want a better future that cannot find in their homeland, a safe space of intercultural coexistence where differences are seen as value and opportunity".

Conferences, theatre and institutional event

Precisely, with the brand Navarra in color, the Foral Government, through the General Directorate of Immigration Policies, has prepared a series of activities to celebrate the International Day of Migrants on December 18. Due to the special state of health restrictions, the acts combine telematics and reduced forums so that the activities can be carried out safely.

Thus, there will be a theatre performance in Pamplona and Tudela, and the entrance will be free, after collection at the lockers of the facilities that will be represented in the theatre. In Pamplona, the company CalamTeatro will offer a show of impro-innovation, protests of migration from 7 p.m. in the Navarra School of Theatre. The entry is free, once collected in the box office from 17:30 hours, until the maximum allowable capacity is completed.

In Tudela, for his part, the play 'No Country for Blacks' will be offered at the same time (19:00) at the Gaztanbide Theatre. As in Pamplona, the entrance is free until full capacity, but the invitation has to be picked up in the lockers of Gaztanbide. In this case, the distribution will start at 18:00.

The institutional event, chaired by María Txibite, will take place at the Palacio del Condestable de Pamplona, at 18:00. The event will pay tribute to the associations and people who "have shown their solidarity in times of the pandemic". The event will be attended by the President of the Government and the Minister of Justice and Immigration Policy, Eduardo Santos, among others. Access to this institutional act is limited for health reasons and can only be accessed by invitation.

In addition, in the morning hours, a lecture was organized by Chabier Gimeno Monterde, professor and researcher of the Department of Psychology and Sociology of the Faculty of Social and Work Sciences of the University of Zaragoza. The talk is 'Intervention with young unaccompanied migrants'. Although the Vladivox San Jorge Room will host a new edition of the program, the physical capacity will be completed with an invitation to students and mediation professionals and related disciplines. However, it will be broadcast live streaming, from 10:00 a.m., via the Civivox channel, on Youtube.

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