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Detained the seven citizens called to the police station to help migrants

  • After declaring at the Hendaia police station this Wednesday morning, they were subsequently arrested on charges of "facilitating the entry of migrants into the French state in the organized group". A multitude of people have mobilised in police stations in defence of the seven citizens to claim that solidarity is not a crime.
Hendaiako komisaria aurrean, deklaratzear. Aimar Lopez Erasun / Antxeta Irratia

02 October 2024 - 10:23
Last updated: 2024-10-14 09:54
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In particular, the seven members of the Ertzaintza have declared in the office against the illegal smuggling of migrants in Hendaia. Outside the police station, many friends (about 200, according to the speaker of Antxeta Irratia, about 300, as indicated in Euskadi Irratia) have mobilized to support the seven citizens. After their statement, they have been arrested, and associations Bidasoa Etorkinekin and Irungo Harrera Sarea have warned that they will be remobilized if they do not release detainees before 18:30 hours.

In the Irun-Hendaia area, police persecution is being intensified against those accompanying people who are “irregular”. In view of this, they have called for the free movement of all and all, and for the borders and the steps to be taken to be finally opened up.

All in the spotlight

On Wednesday morning, the mobilization was called at 8:45 a.m. In the words of the conveners, this "repression" can be supported by anyone in the future. “We keep repeating aloud that solidarity is not a crime and no one is illegal,” so they will also take advantage of the mobilisation to “oppose migratory policies that come from Europe”, as stated to police station Argitxu Dufau and Eñaut Aramendi.

Before the Hendaia police station, he is about to appear. Aimar López Erasun / Antxeta Irratia

A large number of people have participated in the protest, including several associations, trade unions and political parties, who have joined the mobilization. Among the signatories are Aita Mari, Amher, Artea sarea, Attac Pays Basque, Atxuri Harrera Sarea, Baki Ekintza Antimilitarista, Bidasoa Etorkinekin, Bilgune Feminista, Bizi, Ehun, Irungo Harrera Sarea, Kale Afari

"We continue to repeat aloud that solidarity is not a crime and that no one is illegal"

“Not helping should be a crime”

Recently, ARGIA has spoken to a citizen who helps people in migratory transit, and we have also asked him about the criminalisation of solidarity. In his view, "just not helping should be a crime." As we are obliged to help or call an emergency in the event of a traffic accident or on the sidewalk, in this case it should also do so.”

“I felt the need to help those who really need help, I found it insensitive to see people in this situation and do nothing, as if I didn’t see someone drown at sea and throw the ring of rescue. As in other places, a solidarity network has been created in this part of the Bidasoa”, says the interviewee. “Not so long ago, it was up to us to go into exile, and maybe in the future, we, our children or our grandchildren will have to go somewhere else, and I’d like someone to help me the same way, find people alike, whether they’re papers or not.”

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