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Michele Aguer: "The best girls also have too much grace for the Swiss dances"

  • This year's masquerade is being closely analyzed by dance professor Michele Aguer Lohitzün. Lohitzün has never participated in the masquerade, as in his day men dominated. This year a mixed group of dantzaris has been presented in the Zubero masks.
Artikulu hau egilearen baimenari esker ekarri dugu.

13 March 2020 - 15:48

In Altzürükün only the dancers have been men. Until later than in other towns. The dancer Michele Aguer Lohitzün has been her first wife, in a way pioneering, and in recent years they have gone over and over again to visit her to become her teacher.

Here are some of your views:

“Male and female dancers are very different. I don't know if you'll like everybody, but I think zuberotarra dance isn't a dance made for girls."

"I've struggled. But when you don't dance except with men and you look in a mirror, you know it's not to the extent you do it. You can do whatever you want, you never look like a child.

“The look of before is now more critical than in the past. Before they did nothing but look at the jump and frighten, the final jump was what mattered. We looked more at the use of the tools of the banderin or the gorilla than the tools of the feet. Now they look at how the dots are finite, how the group dances are well given, how the group is homogeneous, there are codes…".

Complete interview.




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