Jesús Ociel Baena was one of the most important figures in favor of LGBTQ+ community law in the Mexican state of Aguascalientes. It was a non-binary person who used the neutral term “magistrade” to define the position of magistrate, demanding in the courts the use of the pronoun “elle”. Ociel transmitted “spectacularity and strength” to many members of the collective.
Baena was found dead at home on Monday. The prosecutor of the state of Aguascalientes, Jesús Figuero, has pointed out that the main hypothesis is that Baena was killed by his partner, Dorian Daniel Nieves, who later committed suicide. Figueroa highlights that according to the research there were no third parties.
As for Nieves, Baena's colleague, the prosecutor says he was injured with a knife in the front of his neck and according to the toxicological study he tested positive for methamphetamines. He adds that the two bodies remained “about centimeters”. “We are taking great care, especially to keep track of all the signs,” Figuero explains.
Baena’s family attorney Alberto Cázares has pointed out that relatives do not believe in the version of the prosecutor’s office and have evidence that will change the course of the investigation. He anticipates that these new tests will be presented in the coming days. For her part, the sister of the magistrate, Cinthya Baena, has highlighted that days before his death his brother received threats.
LGBTIQ+ group does not match
In the protests organized Monday night, the Mexican collective LGBTQ+ states that they do not agree with the fiscal version. He denounces that Baena’s death is the result of “hatred, discrimination and violence against those routinely confronted by members of the collective.”
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