Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Ecological metamorphosis: Live! and Biharko teaches training to elected officials in the continental Basque Country

  • 880 elects from the Northern Basque Country signed the Organic Metamorphosis Pact proposed by Bizi in the local and collegiate elections last year. To help volunteer voters in their mandate and answer their questions, Bizi has decided to launch a training cycle involving experts, witnesses and actors involved in the Northern Basque Country. At first, the training cycle had been seen before 2020, but it has been retracted by COVID-19, being the first formative sessions in September 2022.
2020ko martxoaren 5ean, Ituna 2020-2026 izenpetzearen gaualdia
Artikulu hau egilearen baimenari esker ekarri dugu.

09 August 2022 - 12:49

Ecological issues are one of the priority concerns of the public. Faced with the historic dimension of the challenges that have to be raised, more and more voices, from civil society or from the scientific community, rise up to educate themselves about the ecological challenges facing elected officials. Given the urgency identified by the reports of IPCC experts, the formation of decision-makers seems to be an indispensable condition for effective action and to meet the expectations of the population. The same 150 Frenchmen who have been drafted for the Citizens' Climate Pact got this training and finally agreed on ambitious ecological measures.

The Pact of the Ecological Metamorphosis is an ambitious project to turn Ipar Euskal Herria into a resilient territory that requires public policies that are especially proactive. The measures of the municipalities and the College, depending on the challenges, require elected officials who are properly equipped to carry them forward. That's why He lives! is collaborating with the training entity of the Bihar Ecological, Economic and Social Transition Institute and with the training centre of the elected representatives CEDIS to ensure the best training offer adapted to the territorial problems of the Northern Basque Country. This programme declines in one-day sessions in different parts of the Northern Basque Country and each of them will address one of the 7 paragraphs of the Treaty of Environmental Metamorphosis.

There will be talk of metamorphosis actions on a biological and local diet, and on Wednesday, 21 September it will be in Baiona.

Why this training?

The Northern Basque Country has long been developing a popular and sustainable crop, as well as the preservation of the rural and agricultural heritage, within the framework of concerted local development. The Association of Basque Urban Centres has launched the Territorial Food Project and is working on the creation of the “Food and Culture Public Organization”.

Gilles Pérole, a great witness, lieutenant of Mouans Sartoux, is fatally at the first training. A colloquium will also be held on the occasion of this conference with the territorial agents in favour of alternatives (Chamber of Agriculture of the Basque Country, BLE and SCIC EOLE).

Financing schemes

There are two mechanisms for financing the training of elected officials. For more information:


The registration is done online with an enrollment sheet for each course. Registration for the different formations is already on the network:

Cultivation and feeding: locale et eusko:


Waste reduction:



Climate plan:

More information on training:

For more information, contact the Instituto Bihar on 07 61 86 72 27 or at

To join ecological monitors and participate in the metamorphosis of the territory click here or for more details contact us via email

As a reminder, the pact for ecological metamorphosis in the Northern Basque Country:


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