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Mercadona increases its profits by 40% and Inditex by 30%

  • Both companies beat historical records in 2023: Mercadona has for the first time managed to exceed €1 billion in profit.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 2.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

14 March 2024 - 08:10
Juan Roig, Mercadonako presidentea.

While the costs of living for the working class are increasing, there is no end to the list of companies that are enriching at the expense of misery. Recently, the Mercadona supermarket and the Inditex clothing chain have announced the benefits of 2023. And there are no surprises, which have also surpassed all the historical brands in terms of benefits.

In 2023, food prices in Spain rose by an average of 11.8% (two tenths more than in 2022). At the same time, Mercadona has made the biggest profits in its history, with a 40% increase from the results of 2022. For the first time it has managed to exceed EUR 1 billion of profit, reaching EUR 1 009 million.

Inditex has also achieved the best results in history for the second consecutive year in 2023. With EUR 36 billion of revenue and a total of EUR 5 billion of profit. The chain has gained 30% more than in 2022.

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