Knitted shirt, elegance, as if they had splintered more recent times, Ruper Ordorika has been staged in the public hanging theater. It hasn't come to the quiet car, but we've come with Cuban melodies to move the waistline, setting aside the otxenteros and hard basses of Fas Fatum. New times are melodies like the Palomar de Baraco, taking one step and another here. Today there will be belt pain, because there is no doubt that yesterday served to meet his old friends.
To meet the old friends and not the older ones. Because it seems that Ruper has started to attract young people who go beyond traditional Frikis. It was also going to be fashionable for the waist to move like this in Euskera, and there will be anyone who has known Ruper now, and for Thursday to have the first concert, but in one way or another it gives joy. And not only that, it gives the satisfaction that more than one tells us that the Inox was missing in the repertoire, although they were little gray in the current dark times.
The disks are presented and made for disclosure, and this is usually necessary, at least within a given period. See what works and what does not see each session and after screening. The listener also knows that the most recent pieces will occupy much of the repertoire, it would be a pleasure if you went to it, but the real thing is that you have gone to see an artist with two dozen albums for that alone. But maybe there are songs that will be played in the future and for many years, because there are beautiful and tasty pieces. For example, making a sidecar trip to Santa Ana is a fun trip.
Ordorika starts by saying that the world is not just in one way, and that is, because the issue changes when Lutxo Neira takes the bass. To first play Fas Fatum and then I Gelditu, changing the lighting to add more to the roll. The talent of Arkaitz Miner can also hit anyone, and if people start feeling the first little heat, staring at the sky, especially because they wanted to find oxygen particles, but also as an exercise of remembrance, although at a distance it may be better, because it's not right near the sky. And looking up, Marino Lejarreta is also sure he was going to raise his arms as in 1982. Everybody, sure, sometime. And not because we were late and we were in the cajafuerte de nueces ditxosas de squillas.
Joy and happiness were shared at the Kafe Antzokia at the turn of the fourth century. What better gift to the Theatre than a concert. He also presents himself, each from his point of view – and what you see some of them: look at this one from Gorka Belasko. From now on, on these dates, let yourself be led by food and love always with Ruper Ordorika and the crew. But he lives, because he has exhausted the tickets there and here. Life, for some and at the moment, is a sign of beauty.
Beware of that view of the South. Firstly, to demystify the blind admiration of the green land, the white houses and the red tiles, unconditional love, fetishism associated with speech and the supposed lifestyle. It leaves, as Ruper Ordorika has often heard, a tourist idea... [+]
Forty minutes from Pamplona, in Arce, the small town of Hiriberri, with two dozen inhabitants. Along with Ruper Ordorika, Martin Larralde, the old friend who is never missing from Ruper's performances, attended his performance. It is true that many other people also appeared,... [+]
I didn't think parking in Vitoria would be so difficult. Or, rather, I didn't know that there could be such colorful marks painted on the edges of the road. No, I don't have a driving license, and yes, time was against us. At the last minute we arrived at the Main Theatre.
The... [+]
The time to hear a record can mark it. You're not the same at every moment, like the river you bathe in, and every song has its moment.
With Amour and Ruper Ordorika's toujours, something like this has happened to me. A winter day when a warm sun came in the room, I had a special... [+]
On Sunday of the end of summer, the laziness of the table, the plan for the sunset… And the concert of Ruper in Lizoain, but without tickets. Anyway, in any case we had more to lose going, to win; if the concert was not, know the village, walk and turn around. But there is... [+]
Murgiako pilotalekua antzoki bilakatu da gaurkoan. Musikariek eta haien instrumentu eta ahotsek ordezkatu dituzte pilotariak. Ez da entzuten larruzko pilota gogorrek horma berdearen kontra egiten duten soinua, baina haren ordez gitarra, bateria, kontrabaxua eta biolina sumatzen... [+]
Ruper Ordorika eta Bernardo Atxaga batu zituen asteazkenean Bilboko Kafe Antzokiak. Poesia eta bizipenak izan zituzten mintzagai. Bilbon hasi zuten beraien ibilbidea, Arriaga eta San Anton zubien arteko eremu horretan, Somera kalean, bereziki. Ordutik urte dezente pasatu eta... [+]