On the occasion of the Hiroshima G7, the temptation to say again what Marx has made us repeat too many times, putting us in the mouth of Hegel, is not a fool: “Hegel says that all the great events and characters in universal history appear twice, but he forgot to say: once as a tragedy and once as a farce.”
I do not think anyone can deny that 6 August 1945 was a tragedy. Nor can they deny the tens, hundreds of thousands of Japanese who died later, who had nothing to do with the development of the war those who blindly buy the argument that “it was an act of shortening the war” following the official history of the United States. The consequence is that the current Truman also shows his lesser intention to recognize that it was the largest terrorist act in history.
Will it then be the 2023 farce of Hiroshima? Yes and no. In view of the invention of the seven higher authorities that approached the memorial to make a floral offering, I would say that besides a farce there was a truffle. And reading their statement, it seems that atomic weapons were used by Russia, North Korea and China.
But another conception of the event is legitimate. It's also added to history, but the farce. I do not believe that the seven who have met in Hiroshima would not have realized a century ago and that the fourth is the same as the Alliance of Eight Nations. Precisely to cast blondes against Russia, one eighth of the hour.
But above all, to issue threats, curses and tricks against the China that is now about to go. That was the real goal of the Hiroshima G7. And if they haven't noticed, in China they've seen the similarity clearly, I think. They ignore and look at Xi’an.
Returning to Hegel’s reflection (and to Marx’s comment), which was a deep connoisseur of China – and, of course, its fervent repudiator – there would be a tortuosity of parity in Shimonosek during the century and fourth that has passed through the Boxer Rebellion and Legalization Site. Not in vain, as Hiroshima would demonstrate.
Coming to the neighborhood and challenging China today can bring some benefit to some Western public opinion. But no one enters Zhongnanhain. It is not convincing in the environment.
Because the performance policy demonstrates not only fear.
Arma nuklearren produkzioarekin, mantentze lanekin eta modernizazioarekin loturak dituzten hainbat enpresa aztertu dituzte, eta horien artean agertzen dira BBVA, Santander bankua eta SEPI.
Japan, 6 and 9 August 1945, the United States launched an atomic bomb causing tens of thousands of deaths in Hiroshima and Nagasaki; although there are no precise figures, the most cautious estimates indicate that at least 210,000 people died at the end of that year. But in... [+]