The German left-wing movements, with the support of the leftist parties, have held an important event this weekend in Berlin: The event recalled the murders of the communists Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknecht, who died in 2008. Both were killed by the German extreme right on 15 January 1919, and two weeks earlier the German Communist Party (PCE) had been founded. After these killings there were more killings and the force of fascism began to spread throughout the country.
Thousands of citizens have been quoted at the tribute ceremony to Berlin this Saturday. The attendees included numerous European political representatives. Events will also take place throughout the week, even though the movements of the extreme right want to hinder them. There was an attempt on Saturday: after the act of memory it was manifested in defence of democratic rights and against fascism, and there were screams and beeps by those of the extreme right. The police were on the spot and, according to local media, there have been no incidents.
100 reference years
“The figure of Rosa Luxembourg is immovable and untouchable,” said Free University professor Stefan Heinz. In the act of tribute, it was recalled that this was a previous "transformative" image of Stalinism in its entirety. Heinz spoke of the importance it has in the history of the Germans and the Left: “After the First World War the German left was crushed and the performance of these two is unforgettable: he took the ideas from the left out of his homes.”
"At one point, thousands of people moved massively towards fascism. It became a refuge for those who were politically homeless, for the socially uprooted, for the homeless and for the disappointed.” This was how Clara Zektin spoke about the mass of fascism at the Third Plenary... [+]
In July the Chinese celebrated the first centenary of their Communist Party. The trajectory of the Party of these hundred years has had prestigious leaders such as Mao Zedong (1934-1976), Deng Xiaoping (1978-1989) or Xi Jinping (2013-), current secretary general.
In 2019 the... [+]
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