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If the democratic memory is anti-fascist and anti-imperialist

10 March 2023 - 07:23
Last updated: 2023-03-15 15:52:53

That is why we agree that different social groups working in different spaces next Saturday, March 11, at 17:30 in Bilbao no! with your call for mobilization under the motto. Basque Country anti-imperialist!

Forgotten because in the initiative 1936-1977 we have differentiated the assumption of the memory of all those who have fought against any of its variants (Italian fascism, German Nazism, Spanish fascism..) since the appearance of fascism in the 1930s and throughout the especially dark and difficult historical situations that this ideology has generated.

Again, because Europe and the world, Humanity, are in a worrying historical situation. The situation is worrying, II. It is a result of the various conflicts that have taken place following the World War. Conflicts of geostrategic, economic, political, sociological and military interests, which have appeared in different parts of the planet through local wars, revolutions, coups, etc., are now resettling in European lands with the war between Russia and Ukraine. It is a war driven by NATO and its provocative and militaristic action to benefit more from the arms, energy and other oligopolies. PRESIDENT. — The debate is closed.

It is a war driven by NATO and its provocative and militaristic action to benefit more from the arms, energy and other oligopolies. of the United States, but also of the European elites

We run away from the false and hypocritical discourse that this war is a struggle for peace and freedom, a product of a strategy of provocation by the United States and its armed arm, NATO, made up of states and governments, including Spanish. Every day, NATO or its Member States provoke or support, directly or indirectly, armed or diplomatic attacks on the freedom and rights of people and peoples around the planet: Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Kurdistan, Cuba, Peru, Venezuela, Sahara -- in Ukraine, the war has not begun a year ago, but in 2014. That year the military forces of the Kiev government began to attack and bomb the inhabitants of Donbass in the face of the complicit silence of all the governments of Europe, Spain and the Basque Country.

To carry out this strategy of provocation led to war, the AEB-NATO binomial, with the consensus of European governments, has not hesitated to promote and use the fascist sectors of Ukraine. These people are often seen to greet the Nazis, with svastic flags, tattoos, such as the skull of the SS battalions and similar ones, which evoke and extol the Ukrainian battalions who, under the direction of the Germans, destroyed the ghetto of Warsaw in 1943 and committed similar horrors, such as that of 2 May 2014. These Nazi sectors burned 42 people in the Union House of Odessa, against the coup d'état of Maidan, the origin of the government of Kiev.

Because we remember the resistance and the anti-imperialist struggle of the entire planet. The fight against the United States and its political, economic and armed interference has been and is against governments and the processes of just liberation. In these cases, the Yanki supremacy and its interests stopped leading these countries: Nicaragua, Vietnam, Chile, Argentina, El Salvador, Cuba, Guatemala, Colombia, Yugoslavia...

Because we took the memory of March 12, 1986, because 64% of the population of Hego Euskal Herria said No and 33% Yes to NATO. Next Sunday is 36 years of the referendum. After this long time, the reasons for the No have absolute force, because it is clear that NATO remains a criminal organisation that destroys peoples and imposes the interests of a minority. We continue to see that we are part of this war imposed on the whole planet, and also in our home. We are financing this war with the reduction of our resources and services, we are conditioning our well-being and our present future, and we will have to give you the suffering and lives of our children. Because wars feed on like this -- and this too.

Forgotten members of the initiative 1936-1977: Martxelo Alvarez, Diego Paredes, Raúl Gartzia, Idoia Aldama, Txema Uriarte, Loli Pisón, Fernando Bilbao, Itxaso Pérez

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