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The Melilla massacre causes anger

  • The massacre in Melilla is the result of the "necropolitics" promoted by the States in the protests of various groups in Bilbao and San Sebastián, proof of this is the action of the police forces. 37 people died on Friday at the border between Morocco and Spain, according to NGO data. Concentrations have been called for Monday afternoon in Vitoria-Gasteiz and Pamplona.
Mugek "hiltzen" dituztela salatu du dozenaka lagunek Bilbon / Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak Bizkaia

27 June 2022 - 07:38
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

"Melilla is once again a graveyard for those who try to escape war, repression and misery," SOS Racism denounced at the rally held on Sunday in front of the Donostia City Hall. "The burglars are the governments of Morocco and Spain that raise barriers and organize a whole military police expansion to prevent our sacred borders from being violated at the expense of life and repression."

"Images frighten everyone," says the organization. "On the contrary, the President of the Spanish Government is pleased with the actions of the Moroccan police. The degree of degeneration and loss to which the North can reach by organizations charged with declarations in favour of human rights when criticizing the activity of some countries. Ethics is left out when we talk about dehumanized people." Hundreds of citizens have joined the concentration called by SOS Racism.

Photo: @Mikel Arreseigor

"The borders between Spain and Morocco kill us"

In Bilbao, dozens of people have also met on Sunday, convened by the African community Ongi Etorri and CNAAE. They denounce the "necropolicies" of the Spanish State and of Europe in general. "Pain, anger, disability, shame. We have seen that the most progressive government in history congratulates the security forces of the Spanish State of Morocco, without taking into account all its violent and dehumanized actions".

Photo: Welcome Refugees Bizkaia

Today in Vitoria, Pamplona and Irún

Today Monday, Ongi Etorri Refugees has called a rally to denounce what happened in Melilla at 19:00 in the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca of Vitoria-Gasteiz. "Limit melilla without massacre. Europe and the immigration policy of the states is not to this murderer. No to NATO," the collective claimed. In Pamplona, the concentration will take place on the Paseo de Sarasate, opposite the PSN headquarters, "Without justice there is no peace!". under the slogan. The Caravana Mugak Zabalduz, SOS Racism and PIM-MIG have convened an information point for migrants. The Irun Reception Network has also called the meeting at 18:30 hours in Plaza San Juan.

Land, surrounded by Moroccan police

The Moroccan Association for Human Rights of Nador has broadcast a video on Twitter. Dozens of people appear on the ground, apparently wounded and exhausted, surrounded by Moroccan police. "In this inhumane way, stacked on top of each other, dozens of sub-Saharan migrants were detained by the Moroccan authorities in front of the barrier," the organization said.

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