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Moroccan Public Prosecutor's Office Archives Investigation of the Melilla Massacre

  • Two years ago, hundreds of people were assaulted by police forces to try to cross the border between Morocco and Melilla, and at least 70 people were killed, although the exact number is not clear. The investigation of the facts has been concluded in Morocco, considering that "there are no signs of crime" and that the police made a "proportionate use of force". This week the bodies of the people who have spent two years at the Tanatorio de Nador have been buried.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 2.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

27 June 2024 - 07:41
Argazkia: AMDH Nadoo.

On 24 June 2022, hundreds of people tried to cross the border between Morocco and the Spanish State (some sources said it was about 1,700), crossing the Melilla fence. The response of the police forces of both states was criminal, as those attempting to migrate were violently beaten. The exact number has not yet been determined: According to some NGOs, the police killed 70 people, other organizations reported 37 deaths and, according to official sources, there were 23.

It appears that all the killings occurred on the Moroccan side of the border, in the hands of the Moroccan gendarmes. However, later on, several reports showed that the Spanish State Civil Guard also acted infamously: he threw stones at people trying to cross the border and used gas against them. In addition to dozens of people killed, dozens of people disappeared in the violent police attack, according to the same sources.

Two years after the Melilla massacre, they have reported that the Moroccan Prosecutor ' s Office has suspended the investigation into the facts they have perpetrated. He has filed the case on the grounds that "there are no signs of crime" and that the Police acted "with a proportional use of force": "Research shows that the intervention of the public forces was against aggression and risk and in order, making a proportional use of force."

"Morocco and Spain are complicit in the silence of Morocco and Spain in the face of the massacre, the refusal to investigate and the serious violations of human rights," the Moroccan association Nador has denounced. In his opinion, "the final closure of this case" is being sought, without "conducting any kind of investigation" and without "debugging responsibilities". In addition, he explained that the bodies of the people killed have remained for two years at the Nador Tanatorium, and that this week five, "semi-hidden", have been buried.

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