With the possibility of studying Medicine at the UPNA, the offer of health degrees at the public university will be completed: In addition, the UPNA will also have the presence of Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering and Psychology, according to the Foundation.
The training offer of Medicine will be completed with the degrees of Nursing and Physiotherapy that were already taught and will help to improve the work of the Navarro Institute of Health Research.
In addition, this step can bring to an end the monopoly that the private university of Opus Dei has had in the Community of Navarra in the field of health studies.
NUP Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoko ikertalde batek Nafarroan Eliza Katolikoaren baitan jazotako sexu abusuak ikertu ditu. 1948 eta 1985 artean gertatutako ia 60 kasu identifikatu dituzte, 31 erasotzailek gauzatuak. Txostenaren aurkezpenean azpimarratu dutenez, horiek... [+]