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Doctors and pediatricians missing in Bortziri and Baztan

  • They have gone to the streets to denounce the lack of doctors and pediatricians from Bortziri and Baztan, the endless waiting lists and the delay in appointments, among others. “Those of us who live in rural areas also deserve proper attention.”
“Egoerak hobera egin beharrean makurrera egiten ahal duela aurreikusten dugu”.

19 June 2024 - 10:44
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

About 120 people have met at the Elizondo Health Center, convened by EH Bildu de Baztan. “We have been suffering for some time from deficiencies in the public health system: endless waiting lists for surgical interventions or consultations of specialist doctors, lack of doctors and pediatricians of primary care, continued delay of appointments...”, the organizers note.

According to the concrete examples given, in Leitza they have been without a pediatrician for months, in Bortziriak there is also a pediatrician and a lack of doctors, and in Baztan, they “work far below” the number of doctors and pediatricians of their population. They have been missing a doctor for a month and since last week a second job has been vacant, they complain. Of the three doctors who should exist for the inhabitants of Elizondo-Elbet, only one has it at the moment. They say that to this we must add that in many cases doctors’ holidays are not replaced in their entirety, so in summer the picture is even more serious. “We anticipate that the situation cannot improve but get worse.”

Another criticism has also been used to make public: the right to be attended in Euskera is not fulfilled in the region.

They call on the Government of Navarra and Osasunbidea to strengthen the level of primary care: “Instead of repeating that there are no doctors, seek solutions by starting the necessary resources.”

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