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Dominique Pelicot, the former husband of the victim, has been sentenced to 20 years in prison and 50 rapists to lower penalties than requested by the prosecutor

  • Dominique Pelicot has been sentenced to the maximum prison sentence that can be applied to rape cases; and as for 50 other rapists, they have all been found guilty, although the penalties are lower than those requested by the prosecutor. The case of Mazan, opened by Gisèle Pelicot, has lasted three months and it has been investigated for years that her husband had been drowning from sleep and had been raped about 200 times by him and by dozens of men.
Ehunka lagun elkartu dira epaitegiaren aitzinean, Gisèlei elkartasuna adierazteko asmoz. AFP

19 December 2024 - 11:26
Last updated: 14:53

The trial for the Mazango case was held on the morning of 19 December: Dominique Pelicot, the former husband of the victim, has been sentenced to 20 years ' imprisonment, the highest possible in the French state.

The other 50 rapists have also been sentenced to prison terms, although to a lesser extent than requested by the prosecutor in the case. With the exception of two, who have been convicted of rape or attempted rape, the longest imprisonment is fifteen years. As for the other two aggressors, the sentence states that they are guilty of "aggravating sexual harm" after three years in prison, when two years of late imprisonment. As of today, six rapists will be released for preventative incarceration or electronic bracelets.

The ruling, supported by Gisele, provokes the anger and anger of the concentrates before the court. Hundreds of people have come to show their solidarity and support for the demonstration, and a "shame for justice". They screamed when they met the sentence. Mr Gisele has not spoken publicly, but, as several media outlets have reported, his relatives have lamented the humiliations that have taken place in his environment.

The prosecutor sought a sentence of 20 years in prison against former husband Dominique and between 10 and 18 years for other men – one was accused of "sexual harm" and four years in prison against him, and all the others, of attempted rape or rape. The judges have ten days to appeal the judgment, which has already been appealed.

Beyond the personal case of Gisèle Pelicot, the report Mazango auzia has become a place to judge the culture of rape. In fact, Gisèle wanted to open the spotlight to look at the element that is at the base and in the whole: the culture of rape. The judge refused to open the court's doors "to open the eyes" of a chauvinist and patriarchal society that drags the problem to the center of the plaza and "turns rape into a normal thing", he added.

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