On Wednesday, the National Statistical Institute (INE) confirmed the November data: as it announced with advanced data, the level of inflation has dropped from 7.3% to 6.8% last November. Despite being the lowest data since January, Spanish State data are still far from the ceiling set by the European Central Bank (ECB): The estimated limit is 2%. It is also noteworthy that in November the underlying inflation meter rose to 6.3%. Underlying inflation shows a more stable prospective trend by excluding certain variable costs from the measure.
Electricity and petrol prices appear to have fallen in November and, although to a lesser extent, clothing and shoes have been reduced slightly. However, basic food prices are kept at historical peaks. In October, the INE reported that food prices increased more than ever in one year, by 15.4% compared to October last year. It was the largest increase recorded in Spain since 1944. The annual figure for November was 15.3%.
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) declines back to its position in the case of the Spanish State, which is already below the 2% established by the current economic doctrine. The evolution of underlying inflation is slower, but, well, policy makers have been satisfied and announced... [+]
When we didn't completely overcome Covid-19, it attacked us with a phenomenon known in the economy, inflation. In fact, at the end of 2021, the constant rise in general prices began to be explained, before the war in Ukraine.
The causes of inflation are multiple, but in short,... [+]
The Charter of Rights of the Basque Country offers us on 19 November the possibility of ceasing to look with envy at the stoppages of England, the manifestation of Berlin or the strikes and mobilisations of the French State. Local situations will make us protest and the workers... [+]