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The new verses of Matxinventako, ready to mobilize the City of Ezkio

  • "In the end they will put the verses on you," the warning made by the elders was the truth in the sale of Matxinbenta de Gipuzkoa. A baserritarra has denounced in bertsos its situation in the absence of municipal resolution to a detachment that occurred in December, achieving an echo in the social networks.
Abenduaren 12ko luiziaren kalteak Matxinbentako Zegaia baserrirako bidean. (Argazkia: Uztarria)

10 February 2021 - 10:57

On 6 February, the Azpeitiarra journalist Uztarria was in charge of giving the news. On 12 December there was a landslide on the road from Matxinda to the Zegaia village [Leemos Zeariaga in the Basque Journal], and since then the vehicles cannot reach the hamlet. "Given the situation – the journalist said – one of Ezkio has put some verses on the City of Ezkio, asking for explanations, as the rural road has not yet been ordained. Zegaia is a two-family dwarf, and although the dwarf is located on the grounds of Ezdox-Itsaso (Gipuzkoa), it is the neighbors of Azpeitia who use both dwarfs". But besides putting verses, as was done in the bertso-pepers, this time the baserritarra recorded them in a video.


And the video has made its way ...

The video, which has spread extensively through Watsapp, shows in images the conditions under which the only access route to the farmhouse has been left and the work that parents and children have to do to bring feed and other feed for the cattle they have on the block, carrying some stretches of loads and others using the reel (the "castles cart"), one pushing and the other pulling the rope. In the verses it is said that the dwarf house has two dwellings, that its parents grew in family 13 children, and the author protests for the lack of solutions by the city council of Ezkio.

It is interesting to note that in the Urola valley, such as Nuarbe and the neighborhood of Matxinbenta closest to Azpeitia, it is part of the town hall of Ezpied-Itsaso, among them the high of Mandubia and the mountain.

In the Faktoria space of the Basque Country Irratia on February 9, they will interview Xabier Urbistondo, baserritarra and author of the bertsos that the detachment has cut to his house. He has been a little surprised by the impact that the video has had, although in his words he is aware of the emotion mechanisms of listeners singing like any clean bertsolari. It seems that he has achieved his goal, and by 10 February Xabier Urbistondo is scheduled to hold a meeting at the City Hall.

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