The phone company MoreMobile bought Euskaltel last Tuesday, after acquiring 98% of the shares through a public offer. Shortly after taking control of the Basque company, the multinational has sold its television business.
The deal has been done with the company Agile Content. Euskaltel and its subsidiary R Cable and Telecable have transferred to Euskaltel the service they manage, amounting to EUR 32 million. In total, it is a TV business with half a million customers.
Agile Content has announced that the operation is one more step towards expanding its collaboration with MoreMobile and that it begins "a new stage" with the arrival of the business to the Basque Country. In fact, it is a Catalan company that intends to transfer its headquarters to Bilbao in order to establish a “technological innovation centre” in Bizkaia.
In addition to the operation, MoreMóvile has had time to make changes in the group of councils of Euskaltel. The multinational shall keep a number of members on its staff: Non-executive President Xabier Iturbe, former Councillor of the Galician Xunta Beatriz Mato and President of Nortegas, Iñaki Alzaga, among others.
The CEO and second vice-president of Inveready, Josep Maria Echarri, will be the Foreign Minister, and the CEO, José Germán López, will also be the third vice-president. MoreMóvile will be chaired by Meinrad Spenger, Delegated Advisor to MoreMobile.
Sustatun agertutako salaketa, LaLiga futbol erakunde espainiarraren eta Movistar/Telefonicaren arteko tratuek euskarazko zerbitzuak kaltetzen dituztela Interneten (kasu hartan Egunean Behin jokoan irudiak desagertzea zen kontua), hedatu egin da. Tokikom-eko euskarazko tokiko... [+]
ELA sindikatuak hitzarmena defendatzeko deitutako hamar eguneko greba hasi bezperan, akordioa lortu dute Zamudioko ZTEko zuzendaritzarekin. Hitzarmenak soldata-igoerak, lanaldi-murrizketa, aplikatu beharreko gutxieneko soldatak eta telelanaren oinarriak jasotzen ditu. Gauzak... [+]
Euskaltel burtsaratu ondoren, asteartean jakin da nazioarteko inbertsore handiak hasi direla enpresaren kapitalean sartzen.
Asteazkenean atera da burtsara Euskaltel telekomunikazio enpresa eta lehen egunean bere akzioak 5,8 igo dira. Euskaltelek bere kapital sozialaren %63,5a atera du burtsara –80,4 milioi euro– eta goiz hasieran akzioek 9,50 euroren balioa bazuten, egun amaieran 10,05 .