As far as the city is concerned, Etxegarai was a good candidate for the revitalization of the Basque country and in the next six years we will have to do a great job in this field. The majority of the population of Ipar Euskal Herria is located in and around Baiona and, at the same time, here is the lowest number of Euskaldunes. That is where we have to give strength and perhaps also invent new things to bring the Basque people who live here. Obviously, we will have to work to make the Basque more visible and to stimulate bilingual education. As far as the Community is concerned, we do not yet know how Etxegarai will position himself on the presidency, but as abertzale, whether lehendakari Etxegarai or not, it is good for the Community to have won Etxegarai's lists in Baiona to continue accelerating the community in the future.
There are two elements. On the one hand, from the point of view of a Basque, it has not been done clearly enough to do impressive work. But on the other hand, there are things that have been done since 2014. The other electorate and the technicians in the village house must be made aware of this, because in their view much has been done, they have been asked many changes in their daily work. Perhaps this awareness was lacking. We have to start from today so that the measures that we are going to implement at the plant are understood, that will facilitate many things.
I'll flutter him down that side. We do not know who is going to manage it, but in the next six years I would like – and Etxegarai agrees – to develop an Euskera plan, giving it strength in the development of teaching and in the visibility of the Basque country. We will have to invent new things, participatory and perhaps broader dismarches. We have to get the Basque from Baiona Ttipi, it will always be there, but we have to take it to other neighborhoods. In the public sessions of the first lap, most of the time I have said the first word in Basque and I have been surprised to see how many people answered me in Basque, and those people I have never seen in Baiona Ttipia! There is something to do: we need militants and we need activation, but we need to awaken that Euskaldun mass.
Hauteskunde egunean, oposizioak ohartarazi bi akats nagusi onartu ditu epaileak.
Aktualitatea ez zait batere interesatzen –zutabe hauetarako, bistan da; bestela aktualitatearen kontsumitzaile ohikoa naiz, are garaiaren arabera tiraniaren menpekoa–; baina batzuetan iruditzen zait azkar asko ahaztuko dugun txikikeriaren batek erakuts dezakeela... [+]
Bigarren itzuli honetan ere urtetako lanaren emaitza lortu dute abertzale ezkertiarrek: Ziburun, Urruñan eta Itsasun auzapez izango dira. Bozketen lehen itzulian Biriatun eta Donapaleun irabazirik, Uztaritzen eta Baigorrin 2014ko garaipen historikoa berriz ere... [+]