“We are facing a capitalist heteropatriac system that exploits our workforce,” the members of the Basque Country Feminist Movement warned at the press conference on Monday in Pamplona. As for the international day of working women, they stress that Friday is a day of struggle, so important for feminists, not for celebration.
This year they also want to take the opportunity to influence all areas of life and have organized demonstrations in neighbourhoods, towns and cities. The Feminist Movement of Euskal Herria has called for the main mobilizations for the afternoon: in Baiona at 18:00 from the Plaza de la Casa Consistorial, in Vitoria at 18:00 from the Plaza de San Antón, in San Sebastian at 18:30 from the Tunnel of La Antigua, in Bilbao at 19:00 from the Plaza Sagrada Corazón and at 19:00
The past M8 announced a general feminist strike to reclaim the public and community care system. Four months after A30, they have denounced that the institutions are still being heard and have accused the Basque Government of “filling the mouth of fine words” with the CAV’s custody pact: “They are in the attempts to become aware of our discourse”. They say that the current care system is based on “exploitation” and denounce that migrant women bear the burden of care: “Many of them work 24 hours as resident household employees seven days a week, and that is unacceptable!” They explain to the authorities of Navarra and the CAPV that they do not want a pact if there is no specific budget and plan to comply with the conditions of publication, the end of privatisation, even the abolition of the Aliens Act.
There's no business with our lives. Take responsibility! As the motto says, the Feminist Movement has emphasized that “mercantilist logics” contain all the basic needs of women’s lives: care, food, housing, health, etc. Likewise, they are ratified in the need for profound cultural and institutional changes to cope with the multiple violence suffered by women in daily life: physical, economic, symbolic, institutional...
On 8 March they wanted to remind women and girls who have suffered the consequences of male violence, murdered, raped, harassed and expelled from home. “Systemic violence against women* perpetuates gender and power inequalities through social, political and economic structures,” they have criticized. They have determined that the Aliens Act leaves women migrated to Europe “in a situation of absolute vulnerability” to numerous violence. They are calling for racism to be rejected.
They have also reminded Palestine and especially Palestinian women. The Feminist Movement denounces the massacre they are suffering and shows its solidarity: “We know that women’s bodies are the first territories of conquests.”
The elegant old woman crossed over our husband's arm. Known from sight, I saw that I was a little wrong, the strokes of age. A real lady eibarresa: a pearl necklace, which with her hair carved and proud, being Friday, knew she was in the morning in the hairdresser. This is a very... [+]
In Euskal Herria, we are talking about the care model. We continue to denounce privatization by claiming the need for a public system. We are building alliances to eradicate the racist system. We are questioning models of governance and demanding other models. We have the... [+]
I've sung a version of Zea Mays' famous song for my own colco. March has gone and I have named him, although I know he has little original. The month of April has come, and I promise, really, that I did not want to talk about this. March purple is an overload for you. Others,... [+]
Although we still do not analyse in depth the collective impact of the pandemic, it is no exaggeration to say that it has left us the demands we have made “our”. One of them is that we must focus care once and for all.
The issue of care is increasingly central in Euskal... [+]
Also on International Women’s Day, the feminist Roma want to be visible and contribute to the integration of the fight against racism in the feminist movement. To this end, it is essential to make known the realities of racialised women and, in particular, gypsies. Otherwise,... [+]
Milaka emakumek hartu dituzte kaleak Euskal Herriko Mugimendu Feministak deitutako Martxoaren 8ko mobilizazioetan. Zaintza sistema publikoa, eta antolakuntza eta borroka feministaren beharra izan dira aldarri komunak.
Ikasle taldeek mobilizazioak egin dituzte Hego Euskal Herriko campusetan M8 goizean. Batetik, Unibertsitateko Indar Batasunak eta unibertsitateetako emakume taldeak diren Lorratz, Gasteizko Unibertsitateko Emakume Taldea, Arrakala, Bilboko Unibertsitateko Emakume Taldeen... [+]