The officials said that this year they will also pay tribute to the mobilization in Vitoria. The start will be at 18:00, next to the M3 monolith, from which the demonstration will start at 18:30. Unlike previous years, the demonstration will culminate in the New Cathedral, with the aim of remembering the seven dead and hundreds of wounded that took place 49 years ago and recovering the meaning of the M3. The document criticizes last year’s crackdown and calls on the Department of Safety and Security to guarantee the right to demonstrate and proclaims the need to be free.
The "plural and popular" manifestation
This year’s campaign has been launched under the slogan Organising Social Rights Against Fascism. They recall that it is a day to reaffirm all transformative struggles, and therefore it is a "collective responsibility" to allow "the massive participation of people of all ages and socially pluralistic". In addition, they have declared that they will implement mechanisms that guarantee "a free and safe space that reflects the diversity of our society" and that "allows for mass mobilization from beginning to end"; that prioritize care and mutual protection.
Memory to fight
The Association recalls that it began its journey in 1999 and that since then it has been "working against the Spanish model of impunity" and has been "demanding guarantees of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Non-Repetition". The association recalls that on March 3, 1976, "the workers of Vitoria-Gasteiz fought against the Franco system of exploitation and repression" and that the current context is "in the multiple crisis of civilization". "Therefore, the best way to honor the memory of those who gave their lives for social justice in Vitoria-Gasteiz 49 years ago is to continue organizing and fighting," says the association.
Hiru bideo dira (albiste barruan ikusgai). Batak jasotzen du, grebak antolatzea leporatuta, Carabanchelen espetxeratu zituzten Jesús Fernandez Naves, Imanol Olabarria eta Juanjo San Sebastián langileak espetxetik atera ziren unea, 1976ko abuztuan. Beste biak Martxoak... [+]
49 urte eta gero Espainiako Poliziak Gasteizko Maria Sortzez Garbiaren katedralean eraildako bost langileak oroitu dituzte beste behin astelehen arratsaldean. Milaka pertsona batu dira Zaramagatik abiatutako eta katedralean amaitutako manifestazioan. Manifestari guztiek ez dute... [+]
Martxoak 3ko sarraskiaren 49. urteurrena beteko da astelehenean. Grebetan eta asanblada irekietan oinarritutako hilabetetako borroka gero eta eraginkorragoa zenez, odoletan itotzea erabaki zuten garaiko botereek, Trantsizioaren hastapenetan. Martxoak 3 elkartea orduan... [+]
1976ko martxoaren 3an, Gasteizen, Poliziak ehunka tiro egin zituen asanbladan bildutako jendetzaren aurka, zabalduz eta erradikalizatuz zihoan greba mugimendua odoletan ito nahian. Bost langile hil zituzten, baina “egun hartan hildakoak gehiago ez izatea ia miraria... [+]
Martxoaren 3ko Memoriala hornitzeko erabiliko dira bildutako objektuak. Ekimena ahalik eta jende gehienarengana iristeko asmoz, jardunaldiak antolatuko ditu Martxoak 3 elkarteak Gasteizko auzoetan.