“Above all bridges, there are no borders! No transnational companies! We resist to live, we march to transform! / Résistons pour vivre, marchons pour transformer!” is the main motto of this year’s march. The action aims to call into question the borders and power of international companies, rejecting, among other things, the model of heteropatriarchal, colonial and capitalist society.
Village to village
Saturday began in Aiztondo (Gipuzkoa) the “collection of scarves” of the town that will last for a week. In the towns and neighborhoods of the city, women have made vindictive scarves to get on the march. The march, which has already taken place in Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia and Álava, will end on the 27th in Biarritz. 5. The International Action will conclude on 6 March on the border between Irun and Hendaia. The feminist movement has organized several activities for this day.
Imajinatu sistema kapitalista heteropatriarkalean bizitzeak eragiten duen zamarekin, eta arnasa hartzeko premia larriz, oheratzen zarela ostiralean. Larunbata izan arren inguratzen zaituen egitura zapaltzailea bihar ere hortxe egongo dela jakin badakizu, baina asteburuaren... [+]
Aste osoan Bilbo jasotzen ari den Emakumeen Mundu Martxaren XI. Nazioarteko Topaketaren ekitaldi nagusia izanik, guztion indarrak batu eta askotariko alternatiba feminista erakustea izango du helburu ekimenak.
Euskal Herriko Emakumeon Mundu Martxak prentsaurrekoa eman du asteartean Bilboko La Bolsan. Emakumeon Mundu Martxaren XI. Nazioarteko Topaketaren eta beronen baitan egingo den Feministon Herria egunaren xehetasun guztiak azaldu dituzte.