Plazandreok organises one more year the Feminist Culture Festival under the slogan “Kutsatu”, from 14 to 19 December, at the Tabakalera cultural center of Donostia.
The presentation took place on December 14 and the collective organizer Plazandreok, Juana Aranguren, coordinator of Feministaldia, Leire San Martin, Maider Zilbeti and Laura Muelas, the director of Emakunde, Izaskun Landaida, and the director of culture of Tabakalera, Clara Montero, were in charge of the present edition.
This is what San Martin explained: “We know that it is not being an easy year and, perhaps, for that very reason, from feminisms and creations, it is essential to imagine and build another world habitable.Vivimos distant times picos.Por so, we want to reclaim among all other forms and substances of contagio.Contagiemos and decontaminate thought and bodies and not give up creating utopias.”
The organization has developed a program linked to the situation and reality in which we find ourselves, and to this end, a series of activities focused on the situation of the pandemic have been launched. More than 30 feminist creators will meet at the 15th edition of the festival, which this year marks its third edition.
On Monday and Tuesday the workshops will have their space, and from Wednesday, this year’s edition will feature talks, round tables, performances, reading, etc. The participants include Yayo Herrero, Ana Lauara Alaez, Lidia García, Arrate Hidalgo, Ainhoa Nadia Douhaibi, Ana Amalndoz, Ula Iruretagoiena, Michela Lamedica or Haizea Barcenilla.
Goldatz talde feministak antolatua, ortziralean, urtarrilaren 3an, Jantzari dokumentala proiektatuko dute Beralandetan (17:30ean) eta biharamunean, urtarrilaren 4an, Berako bestetako tradizioak aztergai izanen dituzte Maggie Bullen antropologoarekin leku berean (10:30).
Ander Magallon, Mikel Irure eta Xabier Jauregi Metropoli Forala saioan egon dira maskulinitate berrien inguruan mintzatzen.
When the heteropatriarchal capitalist colonial system is questioned and fought, it attacks mercilessly. Using all the tools at your disposal to strengthen, strengthen and consolidate institutional power, media, justice, language, culture, violence...
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