The Spanish Ministry of the Interior, Rodolfo Martín Villa, has filed a complaint at the Navarra Hearing against police and public authorities, with the aim of achieving truth, reparation and justice.
In addition to the association 'Sanferminak Gogoan' of 78, five other individuals have joined the complaint. Among them is the brother of Germán Rodríguez killed by police Fermín Rodríguez and one of the wounded by police Fermín Ilundain.
The complaint has been filed on the recommendation of the truth commission, promoted by the City Hall.
This news has been published by Euskalerria Irratia and we have brought it with the CC-by-sa license to ARGIA.
1978ko uztailaren 8an poliziak German Rodríguez gaztea tiroz hil zuen Iruñeko zezen plazatik gertu. San Fermin tragiko haietatik 30 urte pasa dira eta Josu Chueca historialaria bere bizitza ikertzen ari da. German ez zegoen kasualitatez barrikaden lehen lerroan,... [+]
Sanferminetan 1978ko inpunitatea salatzeko balkoietan jarritako pankarten ardura bere egin du kolektiboak, eta "estatua kalumniatzeagatik" deklaratzera deitutako herritarren kontrako diligentziak ixteko eskatu.
Begoña Zabala (Algorta, Basque Country, 1950) reached Iruñea in 1977 and was a first-hand witness of the police attack in the bullring and outside it. She is a lawyer by profession, a member of the committee for establishing what took place, and she has... [+]
I don’t know exactly when this article will see light, but I imagine that by the time it comes out, the act of July 8, 2018 will take place in memory of the 40th anniversary of the death of Germán Rodríguez.
I have no doubt that the Town Hall Square will be filled to the... [+]
Egia, justizia eta ordaina exijitu dute igande honetan milaka lagunek Iruñean 1978 Sanferminetako gertakariak eta German Rodriguez oroitzeko egindako ekitaldian.