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The centenary of the birth of Martin Ugalde makes all his work available to the citizens

  • On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of the writer and journalist of Andoain, all his books and articles will be collected on a website. In addition, other cultural and institutional events have also been organized throughout the year.

20 May 2021 - 17:54
Martin Ugalderen inguruko egitasmoak aurkeztu dituzte Andoainen ostegun honetan (argazkia: Eusko Jaurlaritza)

The intention is to digitize the full work of the journalist, writer and politician Martín Ugalde (Andoain 1921, Hondarribia 2004) on a website in which the century of his birth is celebrated, as explained this Thursday in a press conference. Besides being abertzale, an impeller of Basque cultural activity, he had a great production in his life. In total, he wrote 47 books, 50 fragments of books and over 1,500 articles. Most of them are digitalized and from there, as explained by Joanmari Larrarte, responsible for the cultural park Martín Ugalde, want to pick them up on a website for the month of November.

But more projects will also be launched. On Thursday, representatives of public institutions and cultural agents have presented themselves in the same Gipuzkoan locality of Andoain. Thus, the Association of Basque Writers will perform podcasts with their stories within the Itsasargiak project. On the other hand, an exhibition has also been organized in Hondarribia, which will open its doors on 27 May, where the life and work of Ugalde is collected.

Ugalde, who actively participated in the creation of Euskaldunon Egunkaria, has organized a lecture cycle to analyze the footprint it left in journalism, politics and literature.

Projection of films, continuous reading, presentation of the results of the Martin Ugalde scholarship, contest of stories... These are other projects that you have in your hands. But according to the organizers of the event, there is still more in the head of the organizers. "Through it, some milestones come to mind to understand our current society and the Basque world, many milestones, that few people can merge into one and only identity, as Martin Ugalde did," said the Basque Government's Department of Culture, Bingen Zupiria.

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