Between Tuesday and Wednesday, more people than usual have crossed the border between Morocco and Spain, where dozens of migrants have been registered in Ceuta, a Spanish colony. According to the figures provided, some 8,000 people have crossed the border since early Tuesday, one third of them minors. The event occurred during the passage from one country to another, when a young man has lost his life trying to cross the border by swimming.
Ana Rosado, a member of the NGO Frente Sur, informed Berria on Tuesday that the arrival of the wave of migrants to Ceuta responded to a strategic movement in Morocco. “It’s no coincidence that a road that has been completely closed since last year has suddenly opened,” he said. According to Rosado, Morocco has relaxed its border security to put pressure on Spain. Reason: Brahim Ghali, head of the Frente Polisario, has been treated in a hospital center in Logroño (Spain).
On Wednesday morning, Morocco once again tightened up the security forces at the Tarajal border crossing, closing the crossing for several people. That same morning it was known that the judge of the Central Court of Investigation No. 5 of the National Court Santiago Pedraz, has agreed to reopen the case against Ghali.
Despite the border incidents, Spain had already expelled more than half of the 4,500 people crossing the border on Wednesday morning. Several organizations, for their part, have condemned the Spanish Government ' s attitude to the facts and have expressed their revulsion at the Army ' s response to the border.
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