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Morocco prevents representatives of the Basque Parliament from entering El Aaiún “without any explanation”

  • Members of the Basque Fund and the Basque Parliament travel to study the human rights situation in Western Sahara. They couldn't even get off the plane. The MEPs have called Morocco’s position “shameful and unacceptable.”

Euskal ordezkaritza Noaingo aeroportuan bueltan Eusko Legebiltzarra

29 January 2025 - 16:36
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Moroccan Government has prevented the representatives of the Basque Fund and the Basque Parliament from entering El Aaiún and expelled them immediately without explanation. Some twenty people, including members of Navarrese associations, several parliamentarians and the president of the provincial chamber, Unai Hualde, met with the Saharawi flag at the Noain airport terminal to receive the group that has travelled to the occupied territories of Western Sahara and denounce the information blockade imposed by Morocco.

The delegation is made up of Basque parliamentarians Mikel Arruabarrena (EAJ), Amancay Villalba (EH Bila) and Jon Hernández (Sumar), as well as several representatives of the Basque Fund. The aim was to gain first-hand knowledge of the situation in the occupied territories and to assess the situation of the Saharawis, but the Moroccan authorities prevented them from getting off the plane and forced them to return immediately.

The Members of Parliament declared Morocco’s position “shameful and unacceptable” before returning and recalled that this is not the first time they have been prevented from entering the area. In fact, before the trip began, the members of the delegation expressed their “confidence” in entering El Aaiún. “We are confident that this time we will be able to enter El Aaiún and develop the objectives of the trip, and that it will not be the same as the previous ones, since the Moroccan authorities did not even allow several representatives of the organizations to get off the plane,” they said.

Amancay Villalba opens the following tweet in X: "We have not been able to enter El Aaiun because Morocco has denied us entry. They do not want testimony of their occupation and the violation of their human rights. We want to denounce Marako's position. We will not give up and we will continue to defend the independence of the Sahara." Jon Hernández also criticized the behavior of the Moroccan police, stressing that they have been expelled "without any explanation".

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