In total, the National Court has twelve open cases against Marixol Iparragirrre, a native of Eskoriatza, who has been arrested. The July trial is related to a case of 1995.Iparragirre was extradited by the French Government to the Spanish State in September last year, when he was arrested. Since then he has been in prison and in the first grade.
This Friday morning, dozens of friends and relatives of Iparragirre have appeared in the media on behalf of the Marixol askatu initiative. In the event, Ino Galparsoro, a former mayor of Arrasate, and Olatz Albisu, a family member of Iparragirre, took the floor. They have recalled that ETA’s militant has been away from home for four decades, and they have assured that “he made a fundamental contribution to Euskal Herria getting on the road to peace, among other things because he read the latest communiqué announcing the end of ETA. “Maybe they don’t want to forgive this action those who want to keep chained to the logic of the past,” they say.
“Time for solutions”
In recent years, various sectors of society have taken steps towards peace and coexistence, but the “State apparatus” are moving in the opposite direction: “They remain committed to the infamous game of revenge.” In addition to the detractors of Iparragirre, they have stated that “every trial is worth too much”: “It is not time to fill the jails, but to build bridges between each other so that this people can advance in peace, coexistence and freedom. Marixol was released, all the prisoners released. It’s time for solutions.”
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