Mialocq won 704 votes, while Beñat La’s list, which was attended by left abertzales, earned 601. Participation has increased in this second phase. 1,347 citizens voted on this occasion and 997 in March 2020. On that occasion, the winning list received 530 votes against 416 for the second nomination. The team of Mialocq will have fifteen representatives in the house of the people and the house of Arara, four.
In March last year, Rea’s list presented an appeal because it did not appear in the voting papers of Mialocq’s list that Zigor Goieaskoetxea was of Spanish nationality. The courts estimated the appeal and annulled the elections in May.
Zigor Goieaskoetxea has said so to Ipar Euskal Herriko Hitza: "He was afraid he wouldn't win the election, and fear has led him to make decisions so forcefully. He has wanted us to get into a trap and in the end he has fallen.”
Hauteskunde egunean, oposizioak ohartarazi bi akats nagusi onartu ditu epaileak.
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Bigarren itzuli honetan ere urtetako lanaren emaitza lortu dute abertzale ezkertiarrek: Ziburun, Urruñan eta Itsasun auzapez izango dira. Bozketen lehen itzulian Biriatun eta Donapaleun irabazirik, Uztaritzen eta Baigorrin 2014ko garaipen historikoa berriz ere... [+]