The Congress of Sara brought together fewer people than usual, but despite that, the people received 140 authors and authors. According to the Erran media, the editorials and writers made numerous presentations, and the Congress awards, which are given every two years, were for Marie-José Basurko and Koldo Ameztoi.
In principle, this year’s Sara Congress was to be held on 13 and 14 April, but due to the coronavirus, it moved to September. In addition, the organizers have reduced the programme from two to one of the days of this year.
Beware of that view of the South. Firstly, to demystify the blind admiration of the green land, the white houses and the red tiles, unconditional love, fetishism associated with speech and the supposed lifestyle. It leaves, as Ruper Ordorika has often heard, a tourist idea... [+]
Let's talk clearly, bluntly, without having to move later to say what I had to say: this game, which consists of putting together the letters in Basque, happened to Axular. Almost as soon as the game is invented, in such a way that in most of Gero's pages the author gives the... [+]