Christmas is on top and many will be writing letters to Olentzero or Mari Domingi. Instead of writing the letter of request to Mari Domingi at the end of the year, we wanted to bring here the exchange of letters that has occurred during the year in ARGIA around Mari Domingi.
Mari Domingi equalitaria?
Itxaro Borda believes that Olentzero and Mari Domingi are driving a family model completely aligned with the hetero-ra standard. And remember how the lack of a partner in our society is still shameful, or being a partner gives another status. "Our landlord appears in recent years with Mari Domingi on the street, where children see precisely what their parents: father, mother, children. Nothing else."
But Mari Domingi is not Olentzero's partner, as members of the Maridomingi group have responded to Borda's opinion article. The woman who has been hidden for years has come out of the shadow and now stands Mari Domingi in front of Olentzero in the name of equality. "There's the 21st century, parity, the equality century, and Mari Domingi's pride in getting his place."
Fernando Oiartzun does not see parity here. Mari Domingi believes he is a character created following the most reactionary models of society, the princess of Olentzero. Olentzero says he doesn't need a woman next to him, because Olentzero himself may look like a girl. “Olentzero’s doll is the girl, the witch, the peasant, the housewife, the old grandmother, the segalaria, the seamstress… in the female figure and in the figure of man.”
Anuntxi Arana likes the Olentzero queer model, but she sees that erasing the figure of man can take a long time to come. So you have doubts about what to do with Mari Domingi during that time. On the other hand, remember that the marched and rejected woman of the song has become a famous Christmas character. Will it be Mari Domingi's revenge?
10 years ago Oier Araolaza said that Mari Domingi can be Olentzero, who doesn't have to be his friend.
Because we want to tell you that we don't want you (less under Olentzero! ), we do not want as a companion, we do not want as a partner of anyone, we do not want as part of binarism. She doesn't need to dress, but she doesn't need to dress in 16th-century women's dresses either. You don't have to be a man or a woman. But don't be Olentzero's friend! I know what you want, be Olentzero, be our Queer - Olentzero!
I read a poet that I've forgotten that the uniqueness of the poetic look was in the ability to look at things like the first time, something like the surprise that children have in the first contact with the world, let's say in a way.
As we know the world, we lose that capacity... [+]
In the same article that I wrote here in March on this subject, I was talking about the fact that sentimental dissent should begin with suppressing the affective centrality of partner relationships. Perhaps from the evidence of what I was saying to them, I was surprised that... [+]
I took a commuter train every day to get to work. Most of us are women, working women, racialized, precarious, young, old people. Despite knowing a few faces, everyone else is somehow unknown.
Yesterday, my grandmother and a niece sat behind me and nailed me completely in their... [+]