At the height of the Mauritius Islands, in the Indian Ocean, there is a landfill destroyed since the end of July, which spills hundreds of litres of oil into the sea. According to the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, this has caused very serious damage to the environment of the islands. The Japanese ship MV Wakashio, flagged in Panama, was stuck on July 25 to Pointe d'Esny at the Coral Arrecife on the southeast of the island. The ship, 300 metres in length, carried 200 tonnes of diesel and 3,800 tonnes of fuel inside.
After several days trying to minimize the seriousness of the situation, the ministers confirmed that on 6 August "there was a crack in the boat". All attempts to stabilize the ship failed, according to the ministers, because of the sea conditions, and attempts to get the oil out were also not successful. According to local media, the air is breathless and the black waves are clearly visible in the vicinity of the ship's cargo ship. The situation may get worse: the environmental groups believe that the ship will break and lead to a further loss of oil. This could lead to the disaster of the island ecosystem.
"We are in a crisis situation," said Environment Minister Kavy Romano, while Maritime Affairs Minister Sudheer Maudhook acknowledged: "This is the first time we have faced such a catastrophe, and we are not sufficiently prepared to deal with this problem," he added. The authorities have invited fishing boats, tourist boats and everyone to "not enter the beach or the lakes of Blue Bay, Pointe d'Esny and Mahebourg".
Glifosatoa baliatzeko hamar urteko luzapena babestu du Europako Batzordeak. Herbizida gisa munduan gehien erabiltzen den produktu kimikoa da, eta potentzialki minbizi sortzaile izateagatik ezaguna da.
Uztailaren 12an New York Times-ek argitaratu zuen: “AEBetan fracking enpresak kiebra jotzen ari dira, iturrien inguruetan bizi direnei utziz pozoi arriskutsuzko kutsadurak eta herritar guztien bizkar hauek garbitzeko kosteak”. Kronikaren hasieran honako kasu bat... [+]