The Association of Relatives of Shot Men of Navarra has strongly criticized the agreement reached by EH Bildu, Geroa Bai and PSN on the Memorial to the Fallen in Pamplona. He states that there are better places to do "pedagogy" and that a "revictimization" of the victims with the name of Marvels Lamberto will be done to the interpretation center. In addition, it has denounced that the agreement has been made "without taking into account the opinion of the relatives of the shot people".
The Association of Relatives of Fusilados de Navarra (NAFSE) has shown its total rejection of the agreement that will give a new expression to the Monument to the Fallen of Pamplona. The association considers that the building should be demolished and has criticised the intention of the City Council of Pamplona to set up an interpretation centre for democratic memory in that space.
According to the shot, "there are other options and places to do pedagogy." NAFSE President Amaia Lerga explained to the News Journal that spaces for remembrance should be "significant" to the victims and the Memorial to the Fallen is "opposite". For example, he has pointed out that for years he has been calling for the construction of an interpretation centre in Sartagudo.
In addition, NAFSE has also requested that the name of Marvels Lamberto not be used for his daughter's wedding. According to the agreement reached between Geroa Bai, EH Bildu and PSN, the interpretation centre against fascism that will be set up in the building and in favour of the Democratic Memory will bear that name.
The association has explained that the sister of Lamberto Marvels, Josefina Lamberto, supported the demolition of the Memorial to the Fallen and that the victims are "victims again" before these kinds of decisions, even more knowing that the dome and the Franco painting of the building will be covered "with a fabric" but will remain.
NAFSE has also criticised the way in which the decision has been taken. As he explained, the agreement was never communicated to them before being made public, and he considered it to be an "imposed" proposal.
NAFSE has also criticised the way in which the decision has been taken. As he explained, they were never notified of the agreement before it was made public, and he described it as an "imposed" proposal. In this sense, he has shown his anger with the City Council of Pamplona, which has brought the issue "without too much care" with the relatives of the victims.
Supporters of the Museum, also against
The platform for the construction of the "Museum of the City" in the Monument to the Fallen has not appreciated the agreement, which has been unanimously approved. This platform aims to respect the "integrity" of the building, which, in its view, is "a monumental asset".
As explained to Diario de Navarra by the coordinator of the platform, Javier Zubiaur, the declaration agreement drawn up by the three parties only serves to "perpetuate tense situations of the past": "We believe they have to be overcome, because 80 years have passed since the civil conflict in Spain," he explained.
In this sense, he pointed out that any modification of the building should have the approval of the institution Príncipe de Viana and the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Madrid, for their "undoubted artistic values".
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Memoria eta Bizikidetzako, Kanpo Ekintzako eta Euskarako Departamentuko Memoriaren Nafarroako Institutuak "Maistrak eta maisu errepresaliatuak Nafarroan (1936-1976)" hezkuntza-webgunea aurkeztu du.