The Supreme Magistrate has called for the opening of proceedings prior to the opening of the trial, which would be the first step to investigate once the Second Chamber of this court agreed on 14 December to institute criminal proceedings against Ayerdi. It is estimated that the company Davalor received EUR 2.6 million irregularly through the Sodena public society.
The Supreme Court responded in December to a complaint filed by UPN in June, and now Judge Andres Palomo of the Arc has opened proceedings and has requested that the order be referred to the "investigated". This may condition the counselor to be "investigated" and is not compatible with his or her position. Ayerdi, who has appeared publicly on several occasions to give explanations on the case, has also pointed out to the President of Navarra, María Txibite, that if she has been investigated by the courts, she will resign.
In any case, has cited "judicial sources" to indicate that the self-made public today does not mean that "formally" Ayerdi is investigated, for which the Supreme should give another car, in which it is specified that it is "investigated" expressly. These pre-trial proceedings can also be filed by the judge.
EUR 904 billion. This is the annual cost of corruption in the European Union, according to a study carried out in 2020. Between 2008 and 2020, 3,743 cases of corruption were published in the media, of which 109 corresponded to Hego Euskal Herria. Of course, we will find more... [+]