Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

They call for a demonstration for the 25S in Bilbao to reclaim amnesty, self-determination, the working class and antifascism

  • Based on these four concepts, they have called a mobilization in Bilbao for the next 25 July, which aims to promote the “unity, coexistence and fighting activation” of the forces of the working class and popular sectors of Euskal Herria.

16 July 2020 - 17:56

In a note sent to Argia, the mobilization has not been signed by anyone and organizers are informed of the following:

"This initiative arises from the skirts of the working class, in the heart of our people. This initiative is proposed, promoted and organized by militants of organizations and expressions that understand that this is the line to follow, young rebels who want to shake this harsh present, former political prisoners who, from humility, want to convey the best that their struggle and experience has given them, or workers who, without belonging to a concrete sigla, have seen the possibility of activating themselves politically".

The following video was produced for the dissemination of the call:

Below is the full statement sent to ARGIA:

We present this initiative with the objective of promoting the unity, collaboration and fighting activation of the forces of the working class and the different popular sectors of the Basque Country around these four bases and their contents.

Our people have demonstrated a capacity for popular self-organization to take into account. Beyond concrete statements, we refer to the capacity for struggle and resistance that has been the basis of the great teachings that we are seeking today and that have been held for decades and from generation to generation. Far from Nostalgia, but thinking about everything that has happened. From a perspective full of the future, but from the reality promised by the present.

This initiative is born of the skirts of the working class, in the heart of our people. Militants from different organizations and expressions that understand that this is the line to follow, young rebels who want to shake this hard present, former political prisoners who from the humility want to convey the best their struggle and experience has given them, or workers who, without belonging to a concrete sigla, have seen the possibility of activating themselves politically... propose, promote and organize this initiative.

We have the need, the desire and the obligation to take a step forward. Need, desire and duty to move forward. And we would like this initiative to be a new milestone for further progress on the path of struggle. That’s why and for that, we hope that you too will feel part of it.

Amnesty: beyond the mere dismissal of political prisoners who suffer and suffer the fascist repression caused by the bourgeoisie and the states controlled by its monopolistic branch, we understand amnesty as a struggle for effective measures to satisfy the demands defended by those political prisoners, relating them to the end of the various forms of oppression caused by capitalism. Amnesty is a historical claim in the case of Euskal Herria from 1936 to the present day, having been strongly present in all struggles of the working class and other popular classes. The amnesty was included in the February 36 programme of the Popular Front and fired thousands of fighting workers after receiving the vote of thousands of other workers. Amnesty was one of the main popular demands of the recent years of Francoism and, among other things, the struggle for Amnesty warned that what was called Constitutional Reform was nothing more than an operation to disguise fascism, because prisons were refilled day after day, despite being called Amnesty, it was nothing more than a self-indulgence of Spanish fascism. Conscious solidarity with the political representatives, as a result of their link to the struggle for amnesty and popular demand, has been one of the main reasons for keeping alive the fire of the struggle in the streets of Euskal Herria during the last decades, one of the keys to forcing the State to show its true identity. Amnesty, with a revolutionary and fighting perspective, must continue to be the demand that the working people and their most conscious sectors must continue to defend in battle.

Self-determination: our people are denied national rights, in particular the right to exercise and exercise freely their own territoriality and political organization. Two bourgeois states, French and Spanish, with the objective of perpetuating the geographic limits controlled by their market and exploitation system, divide and trample Euskal Herria nationally. We want to exercise the right of self-determination through the impetus of the struggle of the working people, uniting the national freedom that we need as Basques with the need to definitively banish the capitalism of history. Learning, using and claiming our national language. Value and defend expressions of popular character and popular culture. We want to decide our political future freely, but not as the bourgeois conception defends. Our class, the working class, endorses the fight against national oppression and the fight for its interests and the struggle for progressive content.

The working class: it is the political, economic, social and cultural position that we defend in the class struggle. We are part of the working class, we are within it, we know and suffer what it suffers, because the conception of our world is part of the proletariat, of the working class. The working class is the historical force that is called to be the burial of capitalism. An exploited base essential for sustaining capitalism, a job that is a guarantee of the survival of humanity, a historical force that produces infinite amounts of wealth. The working class is the only country in each country that, despite its particular characteristics, has no borders and is international. The working class is a social class that looks to the future above its origin, characterized by the values of equality and solidarity in all the hard struggles it arouses. A revolutionary engine that will not need the bourgeoisie or all the dogs at their pay when it comes to starting to build a new society. The working class is a class to which full class independence is indispensable in order to be able to firmly and correctly defend its objectives and interests and overcome the frauds and ideological influences of the bourgeoisie. The working class is our base and our destiny, the working class that must give rise to its education and organization to live inside any injustice that has occurred anywhere in the world against anyone.

Antifascism: Fascism is a concrete form of domination that the most reactionary monopoly branch of the bourgeoisie violently launches. Although they have common features, fascism is presented to us in different ways, and one of them is the falsification of parliamentarianism. We are anti-fascists because we want to fight capitalism and we fight capitalism because we are anti-fascists. We shall denounce the opportunistic nature of any interested reading arising from this basis. We remember all the movements, organisations, workers, partisans, makis, activists, guerrillas and wrestlers of the world who, by doing so, have been part of this international struggle and who, including all the means, have for decades faced all the forms and manifestations of fascism. In the particular case of the Spanish State that exploits and oppresses us, we would like to recall the Anti-Fascist Resistance of 1936-1939 and, above all, the example of the most consistent anti-fascist militants, militiamen and gudaris of our country. Since 1939, when the fascists won the war, fascism is the presentation card of the Spanish state, in its highest political and judicial structures, in the origins and contents of the Constitution, in the exploitative and imperialist activities of the monopolistic elites, fascism is the master and master of the judiciary, the repressive force and all the strata of the church. We cannot fail to mention that the character of the Vichy Government in favour of the Nazis in the French State remained in force after a false cleansing since 1945, because the French State continues to be characterised by colonialism and imperialist persecution, police brutality and contempt for the freedom of peoples. Fascism is not, as reformists simplify, a disgusting speech by a certain political party that has to overcome the bourgeois elections. Fascism is the form of domination that the bourgeoisie has, is dangerous, provokes wars and is a tool to multiply the exploitation of the working class. On this occasion, more than Jews and masonic conspiracies, COVID-19 will be the excuse for continuing to perpetuate fascism. The popular anti-fascist struggle is the responsibility of all. They won't happen!

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