In order for the Basque Country to “advance” above the barriers that exist in the path of linguistic normalization, the Network of Young Euskaltzales has convened a demonstration on Saturday in Donostia, starting at 17:30 hours from the Old Tunnel. The new group of young people who have gathered in the struggle for the Basque Country wants to bring to the movement a “fresh wind” with the aim of starting a “new phase”.
At the beginning of April the Euskara Aurrera demonstration was announced, with the support of various institutions and personalities in the Basque sector, and since then hundreds of accessions have been received. These include AEK, Topagunea, Kontseilua, Ikastolen Elkartea, trade unions and numerous Basque media. ARGIA has also expressed its support.
The initiative is based on the reading published a year ago in Iruñea by the young Euskaltzales, who concluded that what the Euskaltzales can do is “reinforce what is in our hands”: “the struggle for the Euskera”. This was communicated by the network member Beñat Jusue to Radio Euskadi: “What we want is for them to let us live in Basque.”
The new group of young people who have gathered in the struggle for the Basque Country wants to bring the “fresh air” to the movement
In this sense, they focus on the concern about the “stagnation” of the Euskaldunization process in recent years. On the one hand, they have highlighted the “political and judicial decisions” against the Basque Country, but on the other hand, “our language is trying to situate us in these unstable moments in which we live interconnected, increasingly diffuse, as we have seen in the pandemic”. They state in the manifesto of adherence to the demonstration: "These new generations are also time to rise to the wave in favor of the Basque Country."
They point out the need to “leave the chopera” and the San Sebastian quote will be the first step. The Euskaltzaleen Sarea Youth Network wants the demonstration to be “broad” and “varied”. He has appealed to the citizens to bring their demands in favour of the Basque Country, each doing so as he wishes.
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We Basques move our feet behind the witness of Korrika to proclaim that we want to survive as a Basque people in favor of our language, with the aim of the Basque Country we desire.
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Euskalgintzaren Kontseiluak eta Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko langileak elkarretaratzea egin dute langileen egonkortzearen eta euskalduntzearen alde.