“XX. In the early twentieth century the last old Euskaldunes of the valley died, but they have turned around, and today 95% of boys and girls go to model D, the Basque is recovering one of the territories that had always been his. We have come to highlight and thank this, in collaboration with the municipalities”, summarized yesterday’s event Kike Diez de Ultzurrun, member of the Media Foundation of Pamplona. “We must thank the children, the families and the municipalities for what they are doing, because the current Euskera Law does not guarantee them the right to learn Euskera,” said Sagrario Alemán, on behalf of Euskaltzaindia.
Elena and Asier, parents of three children, remembered what happened in the valley: “They had to close Mañeru school because there were no children in the village, but because they did not want to offer model D. They have not wanted to enter the mixed area of Mañeru, and so, today, in the twenty-first century, our children have fewer rights than those of neighbouring peoples. They have to go to school to Puente la Reina in order to learn Basque.” “Our intention is to continue working, to move things so that once and for all our people can enter the mixed area,” said Mañeru mayor Itziar Martínez.
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