"Come on! ". This is what the paper recently published by the feminist comparsa Mamiki says. After 43 years, the team has decided to end its activity. However, they express their intention to adopt other ways: "It is up to us to explore other paths (...) and to discover other forms of participation through our project that we so much want."
Mamiki was created four decades ago by the Women's Assembly of Bizkaia with the objective of guaranteeing a feminist vision in popular festivals and in this area "contributing from feminism, feminism and feminism". Along with the other comparsas that make up the Bilbao Comparison, they have made the decision to leave the federation and not assemble more txosnas. "Although sometimes relations have not been simple, we have made progress in the fight against aggression, we have developed protocols and we have carried out actions in favor of the fight of women, trying to make this holiday model for everyone", they value.
It is noted that the decision is sour, as it refers to structural problems and the inability to solve them. They explain that for a few years no relief has been found to meet all the responsibilities required for the installation of the txosna in the Big Week, it seems that they have had the involvement of people to set up the txosna and make shifts during the holidays, but they have had difficulty finding women who would be willing to assume annual responsibilities. That is why it was reported in June that this year’s Big Week no txosnas will be assembled.
In order to solve these structural problems, an internal process has begun and has been developing in recent years. However, "with great pain and displeasure, in gratitude for what we have shared these years with Konpartsak's friends in Bilbao", they have decided to end the process and close the comparison.
Before they disappear, they leave a starting point for the narrative: "It is very difficult to maintain the level of self-demand we have created among all. And responding to the degree of involvement it requires is becoming more and more complicated for personal reconciliation. That's the thought we want to leave."
Mamiki has announced that in the face of the decision not to put the txosna this year, there were "several initiatives" driven by women who "seemed to want to look to the future differently." "Most of them were outside of Mamiki's internal debate and work spaces," they say. They explain that they have tried to share attitudes with the members of these initiatives, but "it has not been possible".
The Mamiki Berria group expressed its intention to maintain Comparsa Mamiki, presenting itself as "a restructured group of several Mamiki women". According to a manifesto, the decision not to assemble the txosna was not made with all those who composed Mamiki, and Mamiki Berria wanted to "try to extend the project" and reorganize "this safe space for us so far".
Currently, under the name of Txinparta Feminist Konpartsa, the feminist comparison is under construction.
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