"Once again, we see ourselves in the need to convene a demonstration to show our rejection of the macroprojects that threaten Álava. As new projects emerge, without any order or sense, in the villages, mountains and territories that suffer the serious impact of these projects, in the face of this unspeakable barbarism, a forceful and rapid response of the people has been created.
In recent months countless macro-projects have been presented in Álava that, together with those presented in recent years, intend to turn our territory into a sea of plastics, plates, wind and concrete "as an excuse for large corporations to do business for our territory". We will not let them steal our land and our territory.
Renewables, yes, but not!
This does not mean that we are against renewables, but in order to establish them there needs to be a criterion, a planning and a forecast. Renewables yes, but not!
The unstoppable destruction of biodiversity grabbing speed
People who committed to rural life leave the territory
Work is under way, as is the loss of farmland, forests and grasses. The people who committed to rural life are leaving the territory and are destroying sustainable rural development projects; in short, there is a commitment that these people should be forced to leave their homes, their people and their land.
These macro-projects have been designed freely, without the participation and involvement of society, and without the necessary transparency, information and respect for the people directly affected.
The position of the people who govern us is to align ourselves with the energy macro-enterprises.
Faced with this demand of the people, instead of defending the territory that represents and supports the citizen movement, is to align the positions of the people who govern us from the Provincial Council of Álava and the Basque Government with energy macro-companies, facilitating the way to them and enabling the expolio of Álava. A legal framework and legislation is being created that creates environmental, social and economic conflicts with the rural population and affects society as a whole.
We call for the immediate cessation of all these macro-projects.
We demand that the Basque Government and the Provincial Council of Álava change their course in the defence of the land and our territory; we want to continue to live in Álava.
For all these reasons:
We see ourselves on October 26 in Gasteiz to denounce this madness."
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