The project of Valdegovía (Álava) aims to produce tomato throughout the year, heating the facilities with gas burners for many months a year. After several years of trying to carry out the project, in 2021 the works of the first phase were started and in June 2022 it was planned to start the tomato plantation. On June 15, however, Radio Vitoria reported some important modifications to the project. In this regard, the Sustainable Food Movement has issued a press release.
There are a number of changes announced. Firstly, to delay the opening of the greenhouse for 6 to 12 months or not to open it for the high price of light, gas and water. Secondly, bring to Irun the storage and packaging of the tomato. Finally, the worsening of wages and working conditions.
The Sustainable Food Movement has denounced that the project has generated great disappointment and discomfort among the inhabitants of the region, in view of the disappearance of the possibility of achieving decent work entrusted by entrepreneurs and institutions. He adds that the macroncalendar has never been a good project to deal with the unemployment of the municipality: on the one hand, because it offered jobs for young people “without taking into account that in Valdegovía 56% of the unemployed are over 45 years old”; on the other, the company asked that the course did not prove that it was hired at the end of the course.
Its promoters estimated that the project would generate 150 jobs. Depending on the movement, in case of failure to achieve this or failure to pay EUR 14 per hour, institutions should request the company to reimburse the subsidies granted. He pointed out that the institutions should reserve that money for “more energy sustainable farming and livestock models” and added that job creation in Valdegovía and its region should be based on another rural development model.
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