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Maixan Arbelbide, feminist activist of Heleta dies

  • At the age of 91, the feminist militant, Abertzale and ecologist, born in Heleta and residing in the Labortana locality of Baiona, died on 27 October last. The burial will take place on 30 October in the church of Heleta in Bilbao.
Maixan Arbelbide heletarra urriaren 27an hil da Baionan. Berria CC BY-SA 4.0

28 October 2024 - 16:00
Last updated: 18:21

Nora Arbelbide's niece and Berria have been interviewed in the media to talk about their aunt on the Internet. Berria explains that her aunt has had problems being a woman during her life, has suffered repression and “has always had the strength to fight until the end”. He added that he was angry at injustice and that this outrage was turned into action.

Militating all your life

At the age of 14, he entered the series and had the opportunity to follow the subject of wives closely. According to the newspaper Berria, he participated in the creation of a union to improve the living conditions of women who worked in the church, although they did not manage to set it in motion.

She stopped being serora and started working at a shoe factory of 600 workers. He lost his job by taking part in a strike.

In the French state, Arbelbide had been militating in feminism for 30 years. The PAF and the Wives say they worked in feminist groups. She was a feminist mother, and from there came the desire to assert women’s rights. Her nephew and militant colleagues have explained that she has continued until the end in defence of women’s rights and that, due to difficulties in leaving the house, she transmitted to her militants the information sought on the Internet.

Maixan Arbelbide has also been a nationalist and environmentalist. He was a member of Abertzaleen Batasuna as well as of Bizi! It's also one of the creators of the movement.

The funeral will be held on 30 October at the church of Heleta, at 15:00 hours. On Tuesday and Wednesday morning there will be a velatorium at Hazparne's funeral house.

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